Sentence Examples
Lodge almoner Donald Worsnop said it was interesting to visit the school and see the work being done with the children. |
The former Royal Navy engineer was also an almoner for Beach Lodge for 26 years, which meant he visited sick members and Freemason widows. |
Both favoured him on accession, making him grand almoner and, in 1570, bishop of Auxerre, where he spent the rest of his life. |
His activity, cunning, and mastery of intrigue gained him the appreciation of Louis XI, who made him his almoner. |
In England the offices of hereditary grand almoner and high almoner still exist, as part of the Queen's Household. |
An almoner and a group of volunteers are available to offer moral support, administer the sacraments or provide counselling. |
The same applies to visits by an almoner, as well as to your spiritual adviser. |
The almoner visits patients regularly every day and is available at all times in case of an emergency. |
The papal almoner was inspired by a conversation he had with a homeless man named Franco, according to a report on the Vatican Insider website. |
He explains that once he recovered from the injury, he was captured by Spaniards, thrown in jail and then sent to Constantinople to be the almoner to the French Ambassador. |
The move, arranged by Pope Francis's almoner, follows a plan unveiled last year to install toilets and showers for the homeless in a renovated area in the vicinity of St Peter's Square. |
In 1693 Saint-Pierre gained a footing at court as almoner to the Duchess d'Orléans, who presented him with the abbacy of Tiron, a comfortable benefice. |
These outward functions include those of apostle, prophet, teacher, preacher, evangelist, helper, administrator, almoner, and he who engages in works of mercy. |
Examples from Classical Literature
The almoner, says one custumal, should remember that from his office might be derived great spiritual gain. |
And he has often commissioned his almoner to find a benefice for me. |
He becomes the almoner of the treasure-house of Light and Knowledge. |
He is almoner to the uncompassionate, who but for him would give no alms. |
Every almoner must have his heart aglow with charity, says one writer. |
The almoner had charge of the distribution of the alms of the house. |
Please sit down, and begin by telling me exactly what an almoner is. |
He is, we are taught, the almoner of all the Divine bounties. |
From this point des Lupeaulx went on with a long tirade about the Grand Almoner and the dangers the government ran in relying upon the church and upon the Jesuits. |
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