The most common adverse effects of botulinum toxin type B are dry mouth, dysphagia, dyspepsia and pain at the injection site. |
The adverse effects of iron tablets are mainly feeling sick, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation. |
Social policy is a tool that in principle can be used by governments to cushion the adverse effects of external liberalization. |
Medical journals, newspapers, and popular magazines brim with reports about the adverse effects of obesity. |
The most common adverse effects reported related to skin irritation and skin burning. |
Increased organic farm production can be one of the effective options to cushion the country from these adverse effects. |
I hope his commitment and long hours do not have adverse effects on him or his family. |
We may assume that decreasing this dose stepwise after exposure to high altitude further decreases the risk of adverse effects from weaning. |
Even with stereotactic techniques, the risk of serious adverse effects from surgery is about 2 percent. |
Because of lack of efficacy or the emergence of adverse effects, stimulant therapy is unsuccessful in 25 to 30 percent of children. |
The child required urgent medical attention but did not develop long term adverse effects. |
This is not much help for determining adverse effects if they aren't common and the trials aren't very large. |
Clinical evaluations were performed by two investigators scoring properties with regard to response rate, cosmetic outcome and adverse effects. |
The only known serious adverse effects of statins are rhabdomyolysis and liver failure from hepatitis. |
The delays in according immigration status can have significant adverse effects upon a successful asylum seeker. |
The most common adverse effects are somnolence, dizziness, ataxia, fatigue and nystagmus. |
Long-term spironolactone therapy has been limited because of its adverse effects, that is, impotence, gynecomastia, hirsutism. |
However, we believe most engineers would have discounted adverse effects from audio frequency magnetic fields at a distance of 60 to 70 metres. |
The marks have to be sandblasted away and that in itself has adverse effects on the building. |
More is known about the adverse effects and therapeutic uses of marihuana than about most prescription drugs. |
The result is that the stone suffers from the adverse effects of weathering or decay. |
There was a lack of data on efficacy and adverse effects for all the other drugs. |
Furthermore, we are unable to see how such a move could result in a positive outcome for women's health and welfare with no adverse effects. |
The number of adverse effects was comparable in the groups, and both drugs were well tolerated. |
Similar vegetable gums, with the same possible adverse effects, are carrageenan, gum tragacanth, and carob or locust bean gum. |
Pyrazolon derivatives have been used in the past but were discontinued because of severe adverse effects. |
I think the bioaccumulations study basically reflects, same as the health study did, that the plant has no adverse effects on the valley. |
Massage has only minor adverse effects, including pain and discomfort in some patients. |
Potassium can blunt the adverse effects of sodium on blood pressure, reduce the risk of kidney stones and possibly reduce bone loss. |
Reported adverse effects have included nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth, sweating, dizziness, muzziness, trembling, and sedation. |
Malnutrition occurs prior to starvation, which is simply the long-term deprival of food and its adverse effects. |
With a generic instrument, previously unrecognized adverse effects may be detected and comparisons can be made across patient populations. |
It should be stressed to patients that they should completely stop smoking when initiating nicotine patch therapy to avoid adverse effects. |
The most common adverse effects are dizziness, worsening of heart failure, symptomatic bradycardia, and hypotension. |
Phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, and CNS depressants may potentiate the therapeutic and adverse effects of opioids. |
For pattern recognition to be used predictively for adverse effects, large amounts of data on different chemicals would need to be generated. |
The most common adverse effects of IUDs are cramping, abnormal uterine bleeding, and expulsion. |
The most common adverse effects of omeprazole are diarrhoea, headache, and rashes, of which urticaria and toxic erythema are the most common. |
The outcome of fluorosis was the most studied of all the adverse effects considered. |
We cannot attribute the observed adverse effects to any single pollutant, although particulate pollution may be a strong candidate. |
Too many reports of adverse effects exist for this to be dismissed as hypochondriasis or people's resentment of food interference. |
Lightheadedness was reported by two patients in the placebo group, but no adverse effects were reported in the treatment group. |
The effluents from this factory have been shown to impact the surrounding environment, with the consequential adverse effects on food and water. |
Bacteria present in organic matter can have adverse effects on human and animal health. |
This creates an illusion that is shattered whenever adverse effects however rare are brought to light. |
Eventually, our ordinary people will be affected with adverse effects on our still fragile economy. |
Other adverse effects of ticlopidine include neutropenia, adverse skin reactions and gastrointestinal side effects. |
Proper recognition and management of delayed and long-term adverse effects may be lifesaving for some patients. |
The board decided that the adverse effects on the company's reserves required an issue of redeemable preference shares. |
Similar compounds, with the same possible adverse effects, are ammonium alginate, sodium alginate, and propylene glycol alginate. |
The only adverse effects of therapy were transient skin erythema and local hair loss in three irradiated patients. |
These two microstructural elements both have adverse effects on the distribution of residual stress in the case-hardened part. |
Patients with restless legs syndrome who give blood regularly are advised to see their physicians about possible adverse effects. |
First, there is a similarly small risk of adverse effects associated with antibiotic use. |
Although the primary outcome may be assumed to have equivalence, adverse effects are much less well reported. |
Some patients' choices between using aspirin or a statin may depend on cost as well as their perceived risks of adverse effects. |
The adverse effects of immediate-acting niacin preparations, including flushing, itching, gastrointestinal upset and hepatotoxicity, have limited their use. |
Research at the World Bank, reported in the 1997 World Development Report, has shown that corruption has strong adverse effects on investment and economic growth. |
The safety profile of the formulation is generally favorable, with no demonstrable ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, or cardiovascular adverse effects. |
By agglomeration, borides can assume sufficient size to represent a significant factor in the metal structure, with especially adverse effects in machining. |
One should also add a part of the costs shouldered by the postwar generations in the form of diverse long-term adverse effects of wartime overstrain. |
Cocaine, ecstasy, and amphetamine share similar adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, related predominantly to activation of the sympathetic nervous system. |
While some of these patients may require parenteral nutrition, use of the alimentary tract with tube feeding is cheaper and has less adverse effects. |
One drug does not therefore potentiate the adverse effects of another. |
Some pets can be hyposensitized to the adverse effects of flea bites. |
Counseling can be offered to all patients with HCV infection to modify or prevent the adverse effects of cofactors, such as alcohol consumption, on disease progression. |
However, apart from occasional allergic reactions, there is little evidence of adverse effects arising from the placement of tooth coloured fillings. |
In addition, this medication is well tolerated, with few adverse effects. |
Rates of malarial illness and death, and adverse effects of treatment. |
However, the authors caution against prolonged use of any substance that could lead to a decreased intake of milk with consequential nutritional adverse effects. |
Other adverse effects from feeding high-quality alfalfa include gas or flatulent colic and skin lesions because of the rapid fermentation of its nutrients. |
Prescribing potentially inappropriate medications occurs in various health care settings, and older patients are especially at risk of adverse effects from polypharmacy. |
Further, serotonin blockade prevents dopamine from increasing prolactin levels thereby relieving patients of the adverse effects of galactorrhea, amenorrhea, and gynecomastia. |
Routine use of antidiarrheal agents is not recommended because many of these agents potentially have serious adverse effects in infants and young children. |
Androgen deprivation did not prove beneficial and has adverse effects such as osteoporosis, weight gain, hot flushes, gynecomastia, impotence and loss of libido. |
This suggests that the adverse effects of early life events can be offset by the adaptive capability of the mind and the affirmative influences of the adoptive family. |
Although a small benefit has been found from the combination of belladonna and phenobarbital, concern over adverse effects and possible addiction problems has limited its use. |
However, adverse effects of high input agriculture have been recognized, as fertilizers and agrochemicals discharged from agriculture cause surface water pollution. |
There have also been two kinds of adverse effects, on psyche and soma. |
However, this hormone is extremely expensive, and its adverse effects include carpal tunnel syndrome, headache, arthralgias, myalgias and gynecomastia. |
Uncorrected hypokalaemia can have many adverse effects including cardiac dysrhythmias and muscle weakness. |
There are numerous evidences that efficacy, adverse effects and toxicity of drugs may be enantiospecific. |
In the 19th century, the dominant issues concerned the adverse effects of industrialisation. |
Although often accepted as an advance in some ways, there was some opposition, due to serious adverse effects such as tardive dyskinesia. |
Landsteiner discovered that adverse effects arise from mixing blood from two incompatible individuals. |
The cuts would have meant a significant loss of personnel and would have had adverse effects on recruitment. |
Its aim is to protect the environment from any adverse effects due to discharge of such waters. |
In all of these cases, patients may be seeking out alternative treatments to avoid the adverse effects of conventional treatments. |
The adverse effects of filming battle scenes in Tongariro National Park meant that the park later required restoration work. |
Its benefits appear to have been offset by various adverse effects, mostly diseases and warfare. |
Inhaling smoke into the lungs, no matter the substance, has adverse effects on one's health. |
The policy is now considered by some to have deepened and lengthened the adverse effects of the embargo. |
Most of these parasites infect wolves without adverse effects, though the effects may become more serious in sick or malnourished specimens. |
While all methods of birth control have some potential adverse effects, the risk is less than that of pregnancy. |
Allergic reactions and more severe adverse effects such as toxic shock syndrome have been reported. |
These adverse effects were reversed when the regimen stopped, but it was fatal in some patients with protracted vomiting. |
The production and use of paper has a number of adverse effects on the environment. |
In coal mining, accumulating and escaping gases were known originally for their adverse effects rather than their useful qualities. |
An air pollutant is a substance in the air that can have adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem. |
In fact, these concentrations have not caused any adverse effects in pregnant women, neonates, or older children exposed chronically. |
Risk management is a discipline for living with the possibility that future events may cause adverse effects. |
Methyl mercury is a well documented neuro-toxicant, which may in particular cause adverse effects on the developing brain. |
Only two drugs are currently accepted for treatment, however they cause severe adverse effects and their efficacy is still controversial. |
Pharmacologist Norman Kramer warned, however, that 'the fact that there are no publicized reports of serious adverse effects. |
The adverse effects of waterlogging on plants are often due to decreased availability of 02 and accumulation of phytotoxins. |
No serious adverse effects related to e-cigarette use were reported from either of the studies. |
In Phase 1 clinical trial, Cyt-1010 was well tolerated with no serious adverse effects and was active in the cold pressor assay. |
Evaluation of adverse effects of long-term oral administration of carprofen, etodolac, flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen, and meloxicam in dogs. |
In contrast, hypotension has no long-term adverse effects and is, in fact, associated with a longer life expectancy. |
Wulian Group demands ZigBee Alliance to withdraw the inappropriate remarks and eliminate the adverse effects initiatively. |
In particular, NSAIDs are associated with serious gastrointestinal, renovascular, cardiovascular, bone and connective tissue adverse effects. |
The Environmental Protection Agency of the USA has warned against the toxicity of ozone ionisers and the adverse effects associated with their use. |
The important adverse effects of these agents on longterm medications are hypokalaemia, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemic alkalosis and orthostatic hypotension. |
Efficacy is potentized and adverse effects are mitigated only when the herbs are used as part of a formula, rather than as self-standing remedies, he said. |
This study provides good insight into the potential of integrating phytomedicine with standard modern medicine for beneficial outcomes and reduced adverse effects. |
The possible adverse effects of high fiber diets on mineral status have been reported, but are thought to be almost entirely due to phytate rather than to the polysaccharides. |
Pentavalent antimonials are safer than trivalent ones, but their adverse effects, such as life-threatening electro cardiographic changes are frequent. |
Datura stramonium abuse may be decreasing due to the increasing availability of newer drugs and physicians may be less aware of the plant and its adverse effects. |
However, the private provider's incentive to reduce costs is excessive because this provider ignores the adverse effects on quality that are not contractable. |
Lichen sclerosus responds well to treatment with ultrapotent topical steroids, such as clobetasol ointment, which produces few adverse effects in this patient population. |
Caution is advised with bicarbonate therapy since hypocalcaemia, hypernatraemia, systemic alkalosis and potential tetany are potential adverse effects. |
This compound had fewer adverse effects than caffeine since it only blocks only the A2A adenosine receptor subtype, and at the same time it is significantly more effective. |
Coal mining can result in a number of adverse effects on the environment. |
The college was closed in 1938 due to the adverse effects of the Great Depression and its students were subsequently absorbed into University Extension. |
The imported sand should be of a similar quality to the existing beach material so it can meld with the natural local processes and without adverse effects. |
Hydrogen dissolves in many metals, and, in addition to leaking out, may have adverse effects on them, such as hydrogen embrittlement, leading to cracks and explosions. |
Dronedarone, a new class III antiarrhythmic agent, is a noniodinated amiodarone derivative associated with fewer adverse effects and reduced toxicity. |
Chanting slogans, they carried signs highlighting what they call growing scientific evidence about adverse effects of fluoridated water, especially on infants and children. |