Not so much as an advert in the small ads section of the Accrington Herald coincided with the launch. |
One greenhorn even made his investment by post after reading an Internet advert and receiving some expensive color brochures. |
Ron said he decided to ring the Evening Press and place the advert before the rumour made it any further. |
So, I've had conversations before about the probability that I could be paid to tattoo an advert onto my skin. |
Isn't it just a teeny-weeny bit dodgy to have an advert of a grown man surrounded by children? |
And if he keeps up this momentum, the baldie who launched a thousand advert soundtracks should start watching his back. |
If the advert merely excites your curiosity or interest, something Maloney calls curious disbelief, that will be enough. |
The makers of a cheeky advert for toilet tissue have apologised after the campaign caused upset. |
Another advert in the same series showed a baby with a bottle of methylated spirit in its mouth. |
For more information on how you can help these charities, turn to page 2, or you can fill out the form in the Concern advert on this page. |
Several local women have received unidentifiable letters containing what appears to be an advert torn from a newspaper for a slimming aid. |
She too had spotted a handwritten advert of Tann's in June 2001, and had met him with her two children, Ms Laws said. |
The worst were the overly officious customs officials who are no advert for American hospitality. |
It was little wonder the advert quickened pulses among members of Edinburgh's close-knit financial community. |
He has been attending drama classes for 18 months and is currently on TV in a safari-style advert for kitchen rolls and washing powder. |
Almost 240 people complained to the advertising industry watchdog after the advert appeared in national newspapers. |
At least we know the roller-furled jib works, though overall it isn't exactly a great advert for Sunfast. |
He can currently be seen in the supermarket's TV advert welcoming people to the store and handing out cookies to customers. |
The leaflets back a cinema advert being aired locally with the same message. |
I was looking for the advertising costs so I can put in an advert for my new venture! |
Cash raised will be used to plant and maintain the area where the advert is displayed. |
That is what the parties agreed to, albeit because they did not advert to that consequence. |
Yet isn't this what is implied in the allusion which does not advert to the activities of the army? |
And she praised the television advert with fat dripping from a cigarette end as a group of friends smoke in a pub. |
Surely it would make more sense to put up an advert outside a football ground alerting men to the dangers of testicular or prostate cancer? |
So here I am, riding it out, having been nearly in tears twice today, once over an advert on the tube and once because of something someone said. |
After all, our two species are different, no matter how anthropomorphic the apes from the advert appeared. |
The advert only got one response but the story ran in the New York Post, where it caught Lisi's eye. |
A mass demonstration was planned against the advert over claims that it was body-shaming. |
Then the copper whips off a little advert looking for narks to come forward over this purely political offence. |
It attracted controversy for using the sound of breaking wind in an advert which parodied over-consumption. |
The Democratic super PAC Priorities USA launched a television advert today in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina and Virginia. |
So I switched channels, only to land smack in the middle of another advert for Cliff plugging his latest Chrimbo number. |
It was an advert for a device that replaces swear words as spoken on television with cleaner, Godlier words. |
The following is a typical advert from the personals column of the London Review of Books. |
I'd been to Ascot in the 1930s and in 1944 I'd just been invalided out of the rescue service and answered an advert in the Sporting Life. |
The scoreline actually flattered both sides, for this was not exactly the best advert for Premiership football. |
Yes, I was that person who wore purple cord dungarees and a purple jumper, like some ghastly walking advert for Cadbury's Dairy Milk. |
No, New Labour refuted the advert because they say the plans aren't costed properly. |
Although I removed the advert from the screen, the persistent thing continues to pop up at frequent intervals, much to my increasing irritation. |
Is it any more reliable than the advert we read for crystal healing suggesting that the forces of quartz will remove tumours? |
And so this week the trade unions were able to place full-page newspaper advert calling, amongst other things, for a higher minimum wage. |
The advert was printed in red ink on the back of the tickets, promoting cut-price kitchens on the same number used by Miller. |
The story stands in defiance of cynics who don't believe you can find your soul mate by placing an advert on the web. |
After seeing an advert, he and his wife, Rose, travelled to the Isle of Mull to look at some Galloways and knew they had found the right breed. |
Hart and his wife Elaine, 38, remained on good terms, but at a loose end he had placed an advert on an Internet dating agency site. |
A radio advert has been pulled from the airwaves after complaints that it caused offence to disabled people. |
These words were echoed by one commuter on the 65 bus route, which passes the advert, who asked not to be named. |
The advert depicted a guide dog deliberately leading its blind owner into a pole in order to get at her take-away chicken. |
It was in a family context when in 1989 my uncle asked me to do an advert for his restaurant. |
Last month, the Herald Tribune newspaper ran a full-page colour advert for Northrop Grumman, the makers of the stealth bomber and one of the world's big arms manufacturers. |
The advert also asked for someone who could dive, sail, fly fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft, speak several European languages, ski and work as a chauffeur. |
Three-piece girl band Shine formed in 2000 after founding member and pianist Amy placed a local newspaper advert for talented performers to join her. |
Gloucester finally ended their away jinx with a 16-0 victory over Harlequins at The Stoop, but the match was an appalling advert for the Zurich Premiership. |
The Warriors players were hand-picked for the advert after weeks of selection procedures which ended with a mad dash to the final audition straight after a game. |
Anti-smoking campaigners claim the inserts are likely to be left behind by smokers in locations such as pubs and clubs and are simply a new form of printed advert. |
Here they come across like an advert for soap powder being shot on the cheap. |
That advert is disgusting, degrading to womankind and downright dangerous. |
And an incredibly cheesy Budweiser advert uses the bond between a man and his dog to promote road safety. |
Whenever God Shines His Light is an insistent evocation of peace, unity and harmony â quite an impressive advert for the power of the Lord. |
It is important that the number of viewers of the advert is taken into account as a quality aspect. |
The principle of paid indexing on Google is similar to placing an advert in a directory. |
Sometimes the advert will state that the person should have worked in the same position elsewhere for a period of not less than five years. |
An advert constitutes an attractive means of drawing attention to your stand, your products and your company. |
The advert challenges drivers to take control and not allow others to control their speed. |
Not long ago she found an advert in the newspaper for a hotel in Tirol, which needed a receptionist. |
Hundreds of complaints about an advert for Mazda, that showed a female mannequin becoming sexually aroused by a driving experience, have been rejected. |
I have a fabulous image of a hongi in an advert for the Maori TV channel. |
If the advert is shown it must be seen by the Cinema Advertisers Association which will give it an age certificate similar to those awarded to films. |
I think I mentioned the coffee advert here with the women in suit drag. |
More than 50 students applied to take part following an advert in the student newspaper and were whittled down to the final four by a selection panel. |
It was so credulous and uncritical that it made me wonder if it was an advert for bioresonance and if someone might be getting discounted treatment as a consequence. |
Every other week I see a new advert or tweet or something online advertising a taxidermy workshop. |
As the advert was thin on details, Mr Sumner provided information about a few more key attrib utes. |
The advert tells the story of a boy and his best friend, a shorted sighted pug called Gizmo. |
The advert shows the result of the union of the logo and the slogan. |
As this type of violation is difficult to punish, it is very unlikely that an individual will be fined if his or her advert does not comply with the COBAT requirements. |
She should have gone the whole hog and taped an advert for her new album, complete with release date, to her rear. |
In all of the cases, the people had posted an advert on the Gumtree website to sell Apple computers or phones. |
God love her but she is the worst advert for the selfish, arrogant, egocentric, ignorance that exists in too many people today. |
After an advert for the show was broadcast, ABC was slammed by adoption and parental groups for the way it trivialised the adoption process. |
He answered an advert in the ECHO for a watercooler company delivery driver. |
So Azur Design provides you with all your advertising solutions, be it an advert in a newsletter or glossy magazine, poster, billboard or banner design plus so much more. |
In 2004, they produced the Grrr advert, usually immediately followed by a shortened version of the 2005 Impossible Dream advert. |
This endless recycling of ideas reached a peak of blatancy when artist Gillian Wearing complained that a Saatchi TV advert for VW was based on one of her artworks that she had sold to Charles Saatchi. |
Most parents hope their children can maintain a sort of innocent joyousness around the whole occasion â which is where the makers of that ubiquitous John Lewis advert got it so right. |
When he answered an advert for a guitarist, he met Nicola Sirkis. |
The large advert listed all the usual office-speak bumf about what the roles entailed, and the key requirements needed by candidates. |
The most common type of SMS advert recalled was product, service or brand information, which more than 60 million mobile phone owners received, equalling a 26.3 percent reach across the EU5 countries. |
One brand, Kotex, decided to parody the typical evasiveness of such mealy-mouthed marketing in an advert a brilliant idea, until American networks refused to air spots that mentioned where the product would be used. |
Placing an advert or sending direct mail might take too long. |
Since the advert of the sailors with their strange ways, the white people have mingled with the Wabanaki until the present day, sometimes on friendly terms and sometimes in war. |
Even as I was jotting down the phone number of the travel firm, a rough cut of the advert was being screened for the managing directors of the games manufacturer at their head office in Tokyo. |
Produced by the ministry of foreign affairs, the advert called on the US courts to judge the situation fairly and set a sustainable precedent for other sovereign debt defaults. |
An advertising banner is an advert that has been added into a website. |
He heard a radio advert calling for motorbike riders to work as dispatch riders and signed-up. |
That I choose to refer or advert to only some of the evidence and the submissions does not mean that I have not considered everything put before me. |
In my country, a church advert reciting scripture has been banned. |
An advert that ran throughout the summer on all national TV channels in Switzerland and Germany showed just how stimulating Emmi CAFFĂ LATTE can be. |
The 32-year-old, originally from Gateshead, spotted an advert for a chatroom moderator with online bingo site tombola. |
I don't find anything remotely sexy about a rasping ditty that sounds like an advert for a dodgy chat line. |
Have you replied to an on-line advert or made a spontaneous application? |
The chinless wonder that is James Hewitt is also the greatest advert ever for a classless society. |
We wish to advert briefly to the evidence tendered by AIG regarding the very recent applications to amend the relevant plans to return the former members of the AIG Plan to that Plan, at least temporarily. |
Disgusted stepdad James Baggott wrote an advert on SuperUnleaded, the motoring website he edits, to see if anyone would take it off his hands. |
The actress and singer wears pieces such as a ruffle-edged yellow sundress in an advert for the line. |
The studio has been used by students and advert makers, but Ashley was the first film maker to use it, at the university's competitive rates. |
She first upped sticks and moved to Germany after reading an advert in The Stage looking for singers. |
These provisions in England and Australia, for the first time, advert to the desirability of encouraging parties to settle before litigation has commenced. |
Its all over advert has been stripped away and is now undergoing a repaint in to a fictional 1920s style red, teak and white livery. |
John met his songwriting partner, Bernie Taupin, in 1967, after they had both answered an advert for songwriters. |
They have two dogs, both rescues, one of which Hardy appeared with in a PETA advert to promote pet adoption. |
They decided to give the money from their annual fete after watching an advert about Sense's work with deaf-blind people. |
Hill also made a UK television advert with F1 commentator Murray Walker for Pizza Hut, in which Walker commentated on Hill's meal as if it were a race. |
Responding to an advert wanting a house sitter in Saltburn, she packs up her little car with the bare essentials and her 18-month-old daughter Emmeline and heads up north. |
The advert outlines Honda's environmental responsibility, demonstrating a hybrid engine, more efficient solar panels and the FCX Clarity, a hydrogen powered car. |
Christmas commercials are screened from early November in the UK, with campaigns including the John Lewis Christmas advert for the department store chain. |
At a time when creation seems to be endangered in so many ways through human activity, we should consciously advert to this dimension of Sunday, too. |
The bigger-established companies invariably fall into the trap of creating an on-line advert type site, usually with some degree of style, but largely content free. |
A NORTH Wales rugby team that has to give its team bus a push-start to get to matches will play a starring role in a global television advert for the Rugby World Cup. |
According to reports, the Olympic champion went the whole hog for the Virgin advert, shot in Jamaica, and sported a blonde Branson-beard. |