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How to use IAEA in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word IAEA? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The IAEA mission has handed the plant management an early report on their work.
El Salvador commended IAEA for its work to prevent diversion of fissile material or nuclear technology for non-peaceful use.
Strengthening IAEA under this framework implies making full use of its legal authority.
The universalization and strengthening of the IAEA safeguards system was also important.
In the specialized agencies and IAEA, whistleblower protection policies are largely absent, or only just being developed.
It would not replace the IAEA, but decentralize its systems and ease its burden by helping to delocalize some of its activities.
Iran's decision to build yet another nuclear facility without notifying the IAEA represents a breach of the global nonproliferation regime.
This was undertaken because of a change in IAEA policy expanding safeguards requirements to also include these types of operations.
In this regard, the Group also emphasizes that IAEA shall ensure avoiding any ultra vires acts jeopardizing its integrity and credibility.
The program has also continued its subprogram of equipment development for the IAEA and has made several advances.
With this joint action, the EU will be a major contributor to implementation by the IAEA of this crucial element of the denuclearisation process.
With regard to North Korea, the Minister expressed the desire for the IAEA to play a full part in the verification of denuclearisation.
According to the most recent IAEA report, thousands could soon become operational.
That conversion was noted in an IAEA report made public in August, a month before the U.N. General Assembly.
And IAEA funds were used to help train key health professionals such as radiation oncologists, radiotherapists and medical physicists.
The agreement has three main points, all of which Iran has met, the IAEA says.
That resolution was passed following concern that Iran had failed to satisfy previous resolutions and IAEA requirements.
The IAEA is also engaged into efforts to strengthen the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.
According to the latest IAEA report, thousands might become operational soon.
Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities.
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