The IAEA mission has handed the plant management an early report on their work. |
El Salvador commended IAEA for its work to prevent diversion of fissile material or nuclear technology for non-peaceful use. |
Strengthening IAEA under this framework implies making full use of its legal authority. |
The universalization and strengthening of the IAEA safeguards system was also important. |
In the specialized agencies and IAEA, whistleblower protection policies are largely absent, or only just being developed. |
It would not replace the IAEA, but decentralize its systems and ease its burden by helping to delocalize some of its activities. |
Iran's decision to build yet another nuclear facility without notifying the IAEA represents a breach of the global nonproliferation regime. |
This was undertaken because of a change in IAEA policy expanding safeguards requirements to also include these types of operations. |
In this regard, the Group also emphasizes that IAEA shall ensure avoiding any ultra vires acts jeopardizing its integrity and credibility. |
The program has also continued its subprogram of equipment development for the IAEA and has made several advances. |
With this joint action, the EU will be a major contributor to implementation by the IAEA of this crucial element of the denuclearisation process. |
With regard to North Korea, the Minister expressed the desire for the IAEA to play a full part in the verification of denuclearisation. |
According to the most recent IAEA report, thousands could soon become operational. |
That conversion was noted in an IAEA report made public in August, a month before the U.N. General Assembly. |
And IAEA funds were used to help train key health professionals such as radiation oncologists, radiotherapists and medical physicists. |
The agreement has three main points, all of which Iran has met, the IAEA says. |
That resolution was passed following concern that Iran had failed to satisfy previous resolutions and IAEA requirements. |
The IAEA is also engaged into efforts to strengthen the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material. |
According to the latest IAEA report, thousands might become operational soon. |
Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities. |
Moreover, San Marino is considering the proposal made by the IAEA to conclude an additional protocol to the agreement on the security measures. |
While it may not be perfect, the IAEA is the only means of monitoring any nuclear programme in Iran. |
We urge the DPRK to return to full compliance with the NPT and IAEA safeguards. |
All these questions were addressed, and the replies and technical annexes were provided to the IAEA, who also suggested they were very interested in this. |
Countries in the Middle East should ratify the IAEA safeguards agreement and the Additional Protocol as soon as possible. |
In addition, some equipment requested by IAEA was recovered to Cyprus where it was transshipped to Vienna by IAEA staff. |
Under the Additional Terms of Reference Governing the Audit of the IAEA, the External Auditor should bring to the notice of the Board and, where appropriate, of the General Conference, cases of fraud or presumptive fraud. |
In September 2005, the six States agreed to a Joint Statement calling for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's denuclearization and return to the NPT and IAEA safeguards. |
The Angarsk Centre plans to create a buffer stock of low-enriched uranium under IAEA supervision to ensure guaranteed supplies of fuel in the event of market failure. |
As a result of IAEA support, 40 radiotherapy centres in 18 African countries have been upgraded and more than 250 radiotherapists, medical physicists, nurses and radiographers have been trained. |
It congratulates the IAEA on reaching this milestone and expresses its gratitude to all who have made the IAEA possible, supported its work and served its ideals. |
Yesterday, the Iranian government presented a letter to the IAEA that made reference to a new enrichment facility, years after they had started its construction. |
Currently, the FSM is carefully considering adopting an IAEA safeguards agreement pursuant to Article III of the NPT, and the Additional Protocol. |
Articles II para 9-11, IV and V shall enter into force when a minimum of five States, which possess material subject to the Treaty that is not subject to IAEA safeguards, deposit their instruments of ratification. |
They have ordered an end to the unannounced visits by the IAEA inspectors. |
The statement also confirmed North Korea's pledge to return to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and IAEA safeguards at an early date. |
These documents were dismissed by the IAEA as forgeries, with the concurrence in that judgment of outside experts. |
Should Iran implement the decisions of the IAEA and the Security Council and enter into negotiations, we would be ready to hold back from further action in the Security Council. |
Najib underscored the importance of IAEA monitoring and inspection of all nuke activities and facilities in the world. |
Moreover, the report states that the IAEA has still not received preliminary design information, as requested in December 2007, for the nuclear power plant at Darkhovin. |
Essential questions, including questions that may have possible military nuclear implications in the very words of the reports submitted by the Director General of the IAEA, remain unanswered. |
Iran must fully and verifiably suspend its uranium-enrichment-related reprocessing and heavy-water-related activities and cooperate fully with the IAEA, as required by the Security Council. |
The IAEA has, on numerous occasions, reviewed its recruitment processes and established a standard procedure which is built around an eight month recruitment period. |
The IAEA has been working with transportation companies to sensitize them about the safe handling of radioactive material, and supports development of a database on denials of shipments. |
Being able to reprocess plutonium and enrich uranium would give Iran a choice of weapons technologies. Next week's IAEA report will press Iran to agree to toughened safeguards. |
Several resolutions later, in February 2006, the IAEA Board adopted a resolution decrying Iran's non-compliance and referring the matter to the Security Council. |
Lamentably, this draft resolution chooses to ignore the relevant IAEA Board of Governors and Security Council resolutions, as well the evidence contained in the relevant IAEA reports regarding such violations. |
It also bears in mind that the verification system should, at least initially, build upon existing verification tools used by IAEA, in which States already have a high degree of confidence. |
Furthermore, Bahrain had become a member of IAEA and concluded a Safeguards Agreement with it, because of its conviction that the Agency played an important role in strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime. |
Iran's introduction of nuclear material into centrifuges on 13 February in defiance of repeated calls by the IAEA Board of Governors and the international community is also a step in the wrong direction. |
As a result, the IAEA has requested that the CSSP further develop two of the instruments and continue to expose the IAEA to new technologies to increase its capability to detect undeclared activities and nuclear material. |
Discussions with IAEA are ongoing on the possible benefits of holding a joint workshop to discuss a potential safety framework for nuclear power source applications. |
The Security Council should avoid inflicting more damage to the credibility and authority of IAEA as well as its own credibility by persisting in further illegal and illogical engagement and actions pursued by few countries. |
We deeply deplore the fact that, as evidenced by the IAEA Director General's latest report to the Security Council, Iran has expanded its enrichment programme. |
This is not the same as IAEA controls, but rather consists of surveillance of all activities relating to nuclear materials and weapons: traffic, contraband and disinformation. |
That the Democratic People's Republic of Korea had responded to international condemnation of its recent missile launch by expelling IAEA inspectors was disappointing. |
Furthermore, the IAEA announced on Monday that the Iranians had already resolved its queries regarding their experiments with plutonium, a material which, like uranium, can be used to build an atom bomb. |
We also call upon Iran to cooperate with IAEA and the Security Council in this regard, for the maintenance of the security and stability of the peoples of the region. |
The impartiality of IAEA will be a key factor in giving credibility to, and raising the profile of, any assurance provided by the nuclear fuel bank. |
Measures to enhance the effectiveness of IAEA and uphold its integrity and impartiality were critical to the effectiveness and integrity of the Treaty. |
New Zealand continues to call upon those states that have not yet concluded any safeguards agreement with the IAEA to do so at the earliest possible date. |
A new cooperation agreement will also be signed between Iran and the IAEA, ISNA reported citing a diplomatic source. |
Media said the IAEA has received reports that Iran had tested explosives which could be used to set off a nuclear charge. |
According to IAEA report, Tehran has stockpiled at least 1,339 kg of low-enriched uranium hexafluoride. |
He expressed satisfaction at the implementation of IAEA safeguards measures by Pakistan. |
Saddam accepted the resolution on 13 November and inspectors returned to Iraq under the direction of UNMOVIC chairman Hans Blix and IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei. |
The agreement states that the WHO recognises the IAEA as having responsibility for peaceful nuclear energy without prejudice to the roles of the WHO of promoting health. |
A selective reading of this document can result in the misunderstanding that the IAEA is able to prevent the WHO from conducting research or work on some areas. |
Either way, the IAEA assessment of Iran's weaponization work, due Dec. |
The reprocessing agreement is necessary for setting up a facility under IAEA safeguards to reprocess nuclear fuel procured under international agreements. |