She sighed and rumbled softly while I showed her how to rub and pinch flesh between the fingers, how to read the muscles. |
As the first day of rehearsals drew closer, I changed my music selection three times, each time rejecting a concept and plans for a ballet. |
These are marketing decisions and I would not presume to know which concepts sell and which are an anathema. |
Everything I was clinging onto at that time was defined by it and the trouble was I managed to sell the concept only too well. |
I hate it when my countrymen and I are branded as inhumane, criminals, or some other nasty term. |
To be honest, I had an inkling I would have to work most of the weekend, but I had no idea how hard. |
I don't know about you but I feel that I lack the conceptual tools to keep on thinking. |
I'm glad you found it funny, it shows that maybe I do have the remote inkling of a sense of humour hidden somewhere in my tiny brain. |
Given the small screen size, I appreciate that pinching the touchscreen lets me zoom in and out of the world on a whim. |
Then, at home, I pinched my mother's detective stories and I read them in bed. |
What I can see is that people are going to be pinching other people's bins. |
I greeted him cheerily and his face turned pink, which, I remember, didn't go well at all with the green and blue. |
And I am not sure I would be swayed by the statement that a suicide bomber suffers no more pain than that of a pinch. |
I have been on the receiving end of a pinch from a man when I worked in a hospital. |
I found it a bit fiddly, but then I haven't used a different browser since Netscape disappeared from sight about five years back. |
My rheumatologist thought I might have torn muscle fibers in the latissimus dorsi and tried an injection of triamcinolone. |
Well I like France, at present they have slightly more moral fibre than the British Government. |
The Red Sox were losing 6-3 in the bottom of the eighth inning when I pinch-hit for Roger Moret. |
Your face is all red and, unless I am mistaken, that is sweat on your fevered brow. |
Now we had brief moments of conversation, when I learned much more about this inimitable Peter. |
Everyday things have become fiddly, making a cup of tea is a complicated process when I can hardly see. |
The light pink was a nice color as well and I think the fabric was silk but at that moment I really didn't care. |
This is why he will come to rule NewMediaLand and I will sink further into drunkenness and iniquity. |
The room is baby pink, not the color I would have chosen, but hey, I can't really be picky. |
Ever since discovering eBay I have known that there were some rare issues of my suitcase in pink. |
Although I am strictly adhering to the policy of no pre-writing, I have been conceptualizing my first post in my mind for days now. |
The second issue was a recent case where I was using a 925 board to build a media center box and the driver disk refused to initialize. |
Nevertheless, I consider acronyms and initialisms can be a better choice than the long form names they represent. |
I think I found it hard to like the album initially precisely because it's so varied. |
I must admit, while I always found the material conceptually fascinating, I used to have some problems reading it. |
I have to tell you I just see this as a very simple case conceptually, a straightforward case. |
While he was shooting, I wandered over to the computerized score sheet and tried to see if I could fiddle it. |
This week he is visiting Europe to conciliate, but I have to wonder if we are really at the start of a new era of transatlantic harmony. |
I had rejections, a string of unrequited loves that I laid awake at night uselessly pining over, and once I even got caught in a bear trap. |
All the time he was talking, I was staring at the equipment laid out in front of us and inwardly pining to be set free on it all afternoon. |
In conclusion I believe that to make this trade safer for all concerned the profession should be legalized. |
It is with the latter, more interesting contexts, I think, that we shall be concerned in what follows. |
Why am I more concerned with analysing and understanding human complexes and the way things are than simpler matters? |
Well, I can't finish fiddling the figures on my financial forecast tonight, because I need a few facts that I have yet to find out. |
My teammate was faster than I was at the start, but this did not concern me, and it didn't worry the team either. |
I am deeply concerned about the disturbance caused within the parish where I have been working. |
There's something sad I can't write about because it concerns a person who might read it. |
Well, I think that we have to have that deep concern, that anxiety and that's what it is. |
If I don't do something soon I'm going to be getting letters voicing concern and worry that I've not been in contact. |
The book didn't have as much of a lasting impression on me as I had initially hoped, sadly. |
Now that I was out and about, I was feeling a little stronger and wasn't about to spend the rest of the night pining after some guy. |
The first semester was okay, but after Christmas I started to pine for home, wishing I was closer, that I could just be there. |
At the time, I'm just fiddling around setting the thing up, and I can't remember whether that's good or bad. |
Today I watched her eat an entire tub of cottage cheese and drink three glasses of pink Champagne. |
And if we're not talking about the Internet, I really have no concern with what cable does on their wires. |
But I speak of a mischievous, selfish nature, that is little affected with any one's concernments but its own. |
I certainly don't enjoy watching this, nor do I relish the avalanche of concern trolling that came with it. |
Take that girl I was talking about earlier on, who was initiated into a satanic cult. |
At the end of the Recruitment, the Masters and Mistresses and I will decide which of you are qualified to be initiated into the League. |
This book is not aimed at the initiated, and I hope it will be accessible to people with little or no knowledge of modern Irish history. |
Well, last year was my first Finke and that was when I was initiated into all that is motor sports. |
Like a young initiate into a cult, however, I took this failure to be a sign that ever greater and more glorious rewards lay ahead. |
I entered into what I consider to be one of the most serious oaths in my life on the night of my first initiation. |
For my own part, I cannot remember ever tasting so many bottles of pink wine. |
And while I admire the ingenuity and imagination and initiative, it's not going to happen. |
I was a bin man at the time and I also used to go to concerts at Wallington Public Hall. |
On closer inspection, I noticed that his tail was droopy, and one of this back legs seems to be very pink under the white socks. |
Last week I was talking about some of the big musical concerts coming up in the region. |
My friend and I tried the spaghetti with roasted garlic, parsley, pine nuts, chilies and olive oil. |
For as long as I can remember there have been numerous concerted attempts to bring Athletics more into the mainstream of public attentions. |
So yesterday I was looking for my spare cheque books, a long story, but part of an concerted attempt to organise my life, finances etc. |
I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and moon whatever inly rejoices me, and the heart appoints. |
At the very last minute, just before I'm injected with anesthesia, I back out of the surgery and leave the clinic. |
Normally I set the nose of the rear downward, so the driveshaft and the pinion have about three degrees of negative angle. |
The reviewer said this CD's sound captured a concert hall acoustic rather than studio and I agree. |
If I compare it to the symphonies, concerti, and chamber music, it seems rather bland to me, but why deny people their fun? |
It was too bad someone had just borrowed my color inkjet printer, so I was unable to find out the actual print quality of this camera. |
With Bo, you have somebody who, I think, injected the show with a very raw rock element that it did not always have in the past. |
It just looked like an inkblot if I was being honest, but I could make out a few numbers. |
However, I saw William Preucil, as concertmaster of the Cleveland Orchestra, do a Mozart violin solo and had to pick my jaw up off the ground. |
I was on the buses during the war, and I played for the concert party for years. |
It wasn't until I climbed out of the pinewoods above Invercauld that spring finally started to assert itself. |
The ficus would thrive during the warm months on the patio in filtered morning sun, but I suspect summer afternoon sun would be too intense. |
Has your multiculturalism been a fictive act of solidarity, and by this I mean, do you make a show of multiculturalism instead of living it out? |
My head was consumed with these thoughts, when I heard a ping and the distinctive sound of a message being announced over a PA system. |
Although I have a very high pain threshold, I was requiring more and more morphine injections. |
The pain subsided more than usual and I was spared the pin cushion process of endless morphine injections. |
And I tasted gyros in Cyprus, kimchi in Pyongyang, and injera in Addis Ababa. |
On behalf of the people that I represent in this parliament, I say sorry for these past injustices. |
As elastic bands pinged across the classroom, I reached in desperation for a book. |
It involves a rubber band that I wear round my wrist which I ping against my skin whenever my thoughts run away with me. |
A couple years ago I read about Anna Morris who works as a hotel concierge at the Westin Santa Clara. |
The kids were coming home by bus, and I was to meet them at the field house. |
Sorry about the multiple pings, Mt went a little bezerk and didn't realize it had already pinged you when I edited the entry. sorry. |
The other weekend I took some pinhole camera pictures of Brighton beach using my zeroimage pinhole camera. |
It repinged back when I republished it, so I had to manually go and delete the pingbacks on the old post. |
This is the only concession I make towards recognising that the festival exists at all. |
Trevor is the best short fictionist in England, and I would make a similar claim for John Updike in this country. |
From one of the shelves, I distinctly heard a pack of conchiglie, big shell-shaped pasta, calling my name with their many little voices. |
So I grew up in a home that made me very sensitive to racism, to unfairness, to injustice. |
Commands and injunctions, as I suggested, punctuate the text from the outset. |
Occasionally I misused the column to secretly share an in-joke with a friend, or girlfriend. |
I think I can afford to be indecisive on the matter of which fictional character I like the most. |
What I like here is that people really pay attention and they're not so fickle. |
Unlike Fred who is a creature of habit, I am far more fickle, always in need of new experiences, change and variety. |
My superiors however are fickle and dance to a different drum than I do, so it would pay for me not to get my hopes up too high. |
I knew that they have published fics before with amazing success, so I was understandably thrilled. |
I snuggled up to him, letting my face pillow itself on his shoulder until I fell asleep. |
It bothers me more that I may be ingesting chemicals that my body will absorb. |
Eventually, I realized I was making a charm or fetish connected to one of the gods I had been writing about. |
Regardless, two weeks ago I found myself, quite literally, in a very compromising position. |
I had my big beach rod, and was fishing with pilchards, casting out as far as I could. |
Thirty-two years ago since I was called to the Bar and in 32 years I have never known anybody who pleaded guilty when they were innocent. |
At the laundry pond in addition to the usual species I saw another new species, a group of three ferruginous ducks. |
I was growing weary reading about someone I don't know and also fear may be the product of your fertile, er, imagination. |
However I am fighting an almost overwhelming desire to pike out and spend the weekend under the duvet eating chocolate. |
I did, though get a reaction when I asked, in all innocence, if she would take dictation. |
I strive to keep his purity and innocence, so he doesn't have to suffer like I do. |
What I usually do is cook wild rice separately, then add the cooked product to pilaffs, soups or stews. |
Instead of that sixth-grade math class, I think maybe Murray needs a few remedial lessons in verbal comprehension. |
How do I decode such an obtuse dialect with my mere mortal comprehension of the English language? |
I have fought for comprehensive education all my life, including during the 20 years I have been at Kingsland. |
Why am I running away instead of proving my innocence when I didn't commit the crime? |
Whether that excludes what used to be called common informers I am not sure. |
I compressed my shoulders into myself as I crossed my arms together in my pockets, trying to shield myself from the icy coldness. |
Before I knew it, I had worked myself up into a frothing, barking frenzy and had to lay down and put a cold compress on my head. |
It is not easy to give up something that has been a major part of my working life but I think I have had a good innings. |
I accidentally did something while typing and now I have a pilcrow popping up everywhere! |
The adults I believe will be ready to produce fertile eggs in about a month. |
Some of my favorite duck hens were getting older though, so I had to reconsider artificial incubation for any fertile eggs they laid. |
A sea lion cruised by me as I breathed compressed air ten metres under the surface of the sea near Victoria. |
Then I found the As Seen on TV Aisle and used the vacuum sealer and the food compressor to store as much fresh food as I could. |
But I also like to know that it's been grown without chemicals and pesticides and fertilisers. |
As we drove through the countryside I could see the evidence of the incredible fertility. |
Now, I had no objection to Winston dying, after all he was 90 and had had a good innings. |
I changed the inner tubes as it came with 'woods' type valves and I prefer schraeder. |
So my simple synth line is now crammed with compressors, flangers and distortion modules, all without it sounding the way I want it to. |
It's getting to the point where I have to plan my fluid consumption so as to avoid putting myself in a compromising situation. |
For all that, though, I'm seeing what I can, from the car and, with field glasses, from the windows. |
I have a birch rod handy to dole out any punishment or I may have to hit you on the hand with a ferula. |
There hasn't been great fervency for football up here but I detect a change and that the club is now capturing our public's imagination. |
My father's passion was a very fervent one, and I think that definitely rubbed off on all of us. |
Grimacing, I dropped the field glasses down, letting them swing from the dark grey string that held them around my neck. |
The berries are startling and I am very much looking forward to the arrival of the northern blackbirds, the fieldfare and redwing. |
But I always ask people three questions about accountability to try and concretise the discussion. |
And I didn't take my time trying to find you because then you guys would have been in an even more compromising situation than you already were. |
Having used the word concrete in these contexts, I have related it more to concrete music than to art concretism in its narrow meaning. |
Imagine my surprise to find an article by two consultants that concretely describes what I had only vaguely felt. |
Now, here I am, fighting dragons, just like Gavin, but living in the city, a concrete jungle and I've lost that feeling of serenity. |
Anyway, in all my fervid imaginings, I never saw her with my mug in her hand, because I believed she'd learnt it was mine. |
So it was with much excitement and fervour I headed to the cinema, not at all put off by the nay-sayers and givers of negative reviews. |
I suppose you realise that I haven't been blogging with much fervor since returning from the weekend in Florida. |
They carried between them, and actually in their hands, a glowing flame, the fervour of which I felt reflected from the picture on my own cheeks. |
Admittedly, I worry that once I'm back in New York City, the concrete jungle I call home, my newly revived spirits will wither. |
My wife is quite worn from her field day activities, so I suggested letting me get pizza and a few videos. |
On Sunday night I pilgrimed to Dundas to see Pernell Goodyear and the Freeway with Darryl and Charlene Dash. |
Now, to satisfy my inner child, I was slightly afraid of knocking on the door and a lumbering man coming out, brandishing a wooden club. |
The yarn pilled up a lot, and though it was soft it always looked kind of weird on me so I rarely wore it. |
It has always been about the study, with a thin veneer of job usefulness, but I haven't fessed up to that before. |
Anyway, I think it's time I stop apologizing and instead start fessing up, with like, really unabashed, reckless, so-not-indie abandon. |
And yet here I am, many moons later, writing that my inner child must have keeled over somewhere in the ensuing years. |
From what I could see in the darkness his flesh was purple and soaked with dried blood under his clothes, and some of the wounds were festering. |
It's a breathtakingly infrequent occasion when I top a leaderboard of any kind. |
Firstly, I need to hope that you, my readers, prefer infrequent posts to hourly updates. |
Our contacts became very infrequent when I ceased to pass through Melbourne on a regular basis. |
Of course, I don't know why they have rules which infringe on my personal rights. |
I keep to speed limits because I do not see them as an infringement of my civil liberties but as a protection for vulnerable road users. |
It seems to me that toward the end of things, I develop this compulsion to become more thorough. |
A rock is just as physical and more concrete than a human body, but I would not therefore let my body die for the sake of the rock. |
But I think, you know, the combination of a wild stock market with Internet accessibility has turned a lot of people into compulsive gamblers. |
As a compulsive user of, I think that that competition is precisely the point. |
I tipped my chair backwards so that I could dump my pan onto the pile of dishes festering in the sink. |
I know now that I handled my fear in the past by practicing even more compulsively. |
Now I can just sit in front of the TV and knit away without too much thinking about it. |
I found that I liked to program sitting in front of a computer, not a piece of paper. |
All my work is computer based and I spend the majority of my working day sitting in front of a screen. |
If I sit in front of a computer screen long enough, I can actually churn out quite a lot of words. |
Even if it's in front of three people I feel I've had a great gig if I was able to do my best. |
I have been looking at the black-and-white photograph I have of the infulae bands that we have been discussing. |
But I do feel that English, like Hebrew, is simply one manifestation or concrescence of that universal code. |
The family can speak English so everyone is listening to my side of the conversation, which will be repeated in full the moment I hang up. |
But I can, without compunction, recommend the film purely on its own merits. |
So I thought it would be interesting to examine some of the mechanisms of Cinema through the unlikely concourse of these two giants. |
The electronic innards were just fine, but I broke a plastic stud the frame mounts to. |
Thus fortified we floated off around the town, discovering on the way that I could leapfrog an enormous pillar box! |
Fighting against her grip, I pull my hand out of the innards, and struggle against the urge to vomit. |
I did dye my hair red, pillar-box red, twice, once when I was about 15, once about a month ago. |
The best I remember was a red wool coat and dress set, trimmed with black mink, with a matching pillbox hat. |
I hope you can launch an investigation into this, and I also look forward to my tickets being refunded speedily, and in full. |
It got to the point where it was infuriating me that much I shoved it in her mouth. |
And on the days when I say something that angers and infuriates you, tell me! |
I thought that in honor of Chanukah, the festival of lights, I would do a column of eight presents I'd like to see various studios receive. |
The final act of Christmas, it marks the end of the festive season, I guess. |
The clock ticks ever nearer to Christmas, and I am edging into a festive mood. |
Not only was this a festive celebration, but I wanted so desperately to impress Zeek. |
I don't really feel in a festive mood, yet but I'm sure that will creep up on me once I leave the office. |
I may like colored lights, but I do not like tacky displays of festiveness. |
This is another consideration that infuses the amount that I will fix for retroactive child support. |
At that point I headed for the nearest building which has one of the two connecting concourses to the station. |
Thus begins one of the scariest trailers for a computer game I have ever seen. |
That's why I so resent using the ingathering of so many men into Manhattan as an excuse for a film like this. |
In its depth I saw ingathered, bound by love in one single volume, that which is dispersed in leaves throughout the universe. |
There are lines of dialogue in this title that I thought I'd never hear in the context of a computer game. |
If I had had more space, I would have pursued the issue of the concordat and the general antiliberal tenor of Pius's papacy. |
Over the course of the next several months, I proceeded to computerize the records and train local staff in basic operation of the system. |
When I teach adults to use computers, I tell them that teenagers make the best computerists. |
Me, I would curl up in a fetal position under the table and wait for someone to rescue me. |
Luckily, I had a boy with me, who I sent to fetch a morgue vehicle to bring them to the city for proper burial. |
He made a noise of what I took to be assent, muffled as it was by the furious flapping of his frilly pinny over the shrieking smoke alarm. |
When I landed I was carrying a 25-pound explosive which I was given to blow up a pillbox on the beach. |
There it was, that, year after year, and each successive season, I studied the habits of the Pinnated Grouse. |
My bar mate would ensure a constant surreptitious supply of bottled Pils and I would be off. |
I likewise promise that I shall not be obliged to fetch blood with the scourge. |
With a frightful inevitability I fetched up in an empty disabled space right by the loudspeakers outside the new store. |
And honestly, I found him to be quite fetching, this Pappy of the Southern Wood. |
Table I shows the concordance between the children's Nominated Friends, Reciprocated Friends, and Corroborated Friends. |
In June, at a workshop on female foeticide in Bangalore, I learned first-hand of certain techniques of contemporary journalism. |
However, I did feel the book was written with the computer-literate reader in mind. |
So to the extent that you can personify methodology I see him as ingenious but erratic. |
I was pleasantly surprised to find my ingenious, distant relative had a setup I had never imagined. |
The first problem with my ingenious master scheme was that I had no idea how to go about doing this. |
But I can't go there with my field boots, so the next step is to send even smarter robots instead. |
Why would I want a photograph of a pillock in a tacky golden skirt holding up some fake dagger in an effort to pretend to kill me? |
I'm standing there staring out at all the students I hope to like and who I hope will like me, feeling like a pillock. |
But without them I was forced to live in a world of initially swirling, but then foetidly clumping leaves. |
His bondage art often captures that exact aesthetic I previously described, which I consider nearly a fetish in and of itself. |
Do I feel the thing that relics, totems, and fetishes are supposed to make people feel? |
So I'd known a lot of girls, she'd known a lot of guys, and I think we were kind of fed up with playing the field by the time we got together. |
Nor do I question the unbelievable sacrifice and honor of our troops in the field. |
He was now hoping for a rapprochement with Shia Iraqis, a concord that I think is unlikely. |
Those were not moments of great concord, so I don't know how to answer for those decisions. |
She called up to Noelle to dump all the pillowcases and bed sheets downstairs, so I could take them to the Laundromat. |
Oh, and yes, I belong to the group of computists, while you belong to the group of non-computists. |
Among former comrades of mine, I am glad to see the return of Phil Woolas, David Miliband and John Mann. |
I don't care if I never read any of them again, they're old comrades and I like to have them around. |
Refreshing in the fact that I saw old school friends, housemates, comrades, and others who I hadn't seen in years. |
In my first at-bat, I hit one right back to the pitcher, Don Drysdale, who fielded the ball and threw me out. |
Because I am a list fetishist, I will attempt to place them here in order of personal preference. |
To help pass the time, I do some serious downhill training on in-line skates. |
Homemade cheese curds, pillowy and sweet, round out the cardiac catastrophe, and I mean that in the best possible way. |
I'm hoping it'll generate enough pin money to be a self-financing hobby as I explore the field of English porcelain, that's all. |
For a moment, I felt a degree of envy in that she is, now, where I wish I was already, but all in good time I suppose. |
Slowly, slowly, and all in good time, of course, as I have my Ph.D to attend to first and foremost! |
Once I have them fast in iron fetters, and confiscate the food and wine, I'll put an end to this outrageous curse! |
My husband didn't like me to work full time, so I was cleaning banks and doctors' surgeries for pin money. |
But then I came here too, and though the cons of the decision greatly outnumbered the pros, at least Halloween was again entertaining. |
But I think he, like many other cons, didn't really play that sexual identity political game. |
Given the way I'm working at the con, I can do an hour a day, every day, signing. |
Once I've got that, I repeat the number of yards to myself three or four times, ingraining it in my brain. |
I've been trying to do more, lately, but I have a hard time ingraining things as habit sometimes. |
As I say, this has gone on for about three weeks and, please God, the two actions are now ingrained habits. |
Having conducted interviews with friends from her former life, I have established that it is in large part a matter of ingrained habit. |
Of course, what is a significant sum to you and I might very well have been pin money to Jordan. |
Needless to say, I was enthralled to view the pilot of the new series whilst I slumbered last night. |
This done, and for the first time ever, I managed to leave for the con by 10 am fairly sure that everything was under control. |
Now, Mr. Morton, you have the conn and I have to get back to SickBay if I'm to be there when my son is born! |
I have to honestly say that I didn't have much of an interest in the acting field. |
Now at nearly 21 the habit is too ingrained to break, if asked I say nothing, I would rather people did not waste their money on me. |
However, I believe that a visit by a town dweller to a game fair would challenge ingrained attitudes. |
They will come away, as I did, with a pretty good idea of what the field of forensic geology is all about. |
For a typical job, I climb from a 70-foot-long pilot boat onto the rope ladder of a 1,000-foot ship. |
With hordes of yellow pilotfish bouncing off its nose, and longer than I am tall, it could have sucked me into its maw in one watery gasp. |
I wondered if my classmates and I could make such a sacrifice for our country on the field of battle. |
Although I eventually got used to fettling a 5th Element, the Curnutt is much simpler to adjust with large, clearly marked dials. |
But I will put my trust in the American system, where fabrication and concoction may work for awhile, but sooner or later the calumny is exposed. |
However all this performance came at a price. I was constantly fettling the car. |
The end result was that I spent a couple of hours yesterday fettling me bikes out in the back garden. |
The first movement is described as allegro con brio and I would have preferred more con brio. |
If they say they are unhappy with the negotiations, after all the sacrifices I made, then that would be the height of ingratitude. |
As I collected my coffee the strange chocolate concoction was sitting unclaimed on the counter. |
The worst thing, in one sense, is the feeling of ingratitude I have, the inability to take solace in all the good things with which I am blessed. |
The feudal system is cloistered and I welcomed the change as it gave me a chance to grow emotionally and spiritually. |
The point I am trying to make to you is that notions of allegiance come out of English medieval feudalism. |
The farther west we flew, the more I saw some strange sights, those being great, circular fields of green crops located next to desert sands. |
That way, I would retain control of my own fief, and still have the man I loved. |
He petitioned the judge, he said I want the same ingress and egress, the same access to the courtroom, special treatment that they have. |
Ever since I was conclusively beaten up in school, I've made the mature, clear-eyed choice to steer clear of physical conflict. |
Whether that would have given within the reasonable time some conclusive evidence, I do not know. |
Why then, last November, did I find Georgians in such a fever of expectation? |
I had an ingrown toenail and I went to the foot doc to get it taken care of. |
Then I proceeded to dig a small ditch and hide them in it, concealed by fallen leaves. |
All the spuds are growing on land which was inhabited by pigs last year, so I think all that manure has been good for them. |
The good news is that, subject to Government approval, I am to get at least two gold inlays. |
If I had his job, I would need all the under-eye concealer and foundation I could get. |
I have tried a ton of cosmetic concealers, but I just can't get it to look right. |
I am the custodian of the faith and savings of 30,000 members and I can't turn it into a fief. |
From the clerk of the kitchen I required the buttery accounts without varnish or concealment. |
It is true, I concede, that the whole world seems to be in love with Gabriel Garcia Marquez. |
Some day I am going back to that same pool and I hope I may be permitted again to try conclusions with that rainbow. |
And despite of what you pinkos thought, I thought he was a great president! |
But after all this excitement and even some fevered dance-floor action I became tired and had to lie down for a bit. |
A couple of days after arriving I came down with a slight feverish head cold. |
On the day after their return to Britain, I was asked to see them because both were feverish and unwell. |
One year ago today, I was lying in the hospital, aching and feverish, nurses unable to start an IV on me. |
The vague headache began some time during Friday, but, by evening surgery, I felt decidedly feverish and unwell. |
Somewhere in my feverishly disappointed sleep, I decided that the only thing for me to do would be to go back to the Opera House. |
My twisting body creased the perfectly laid out blankets as I rotated feverishly on the bed. |
The ground I was walking on was once covered by a vast inland sea, I'm told by the godless geologists. |
With each yard, her scent became stronger, and I breathed it in, inhaling so deeply the cold air scorched a path to my lungs. |
Dewsbury conceded their match against Tadcaster Ladies I just before half-time when a player sustained an injury that needed hospital treatment. |
The reason for my letter is to ask if I and a few of my fellow fliers are the only ones to object? |
I spoke to a few of the lads that I knew at Dewsbury and they encouraged me to come down. |
There are a few of the lads I used to play with who are now in the first team like Bryan Stewart. |
These are just a few of the instances that I can remember of being let down by the council. |
A week later I was driving through the blackness of a rain-swept night around the edge of the inland sea that is Rutland Water. |