Plural for deep respect for someone or something
“They were able to persuade people that Stonehenge should be a place of reverence and respect, and to deal with the tiny group of people who felt compelled to climb up the stones without creating a riot.”
Plural for loyalty, allegiance or fealty to someone or something
“Many societies are built around religion, or a sense of reverence to a religion.”
Plural for a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar
“This imagery spills over to the way the characters talk about the landscape, with reverence, awe, and love.”
Plural for excessive admiration or praise
Plural for the quality of being religious or pious, especially when zealous
Plural for the state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly
Plural for the state or quality of being submissive
Plural for the quality of being genteel
Plural for respect and honor
Plural for affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something
Plural for term of respect, usually to royalty
Plural for an act of bending the head or upper body as a sign of respect or greeting
To regard or treat with deep respect
“In Spain, the dance is done to reverence the Blessed Sacrament, a consecrated wafer used in Communion.”
Related Words and Phrases