A person, country, or organization that has joined a group, society, or team
“At university, I was an active member of a society for magicians.”
A smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity
“The system could display the entire aircraft at any angle or enlarge any structural member of the airframe.”
(archaic) A part of the body, especially a limb
“The skeleton, which is formed by the union of about 200 bones, is divided like the body into the head, trunk, and members.”
A person who has been initiated into an organization or activity
Someone who creates or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body
A person sent or authorized to officially represent others
One who participates in an action or event
Someone who is employed in a regular job
(slang, vulgar) The male genitalia
A particular item or object
An individual fact or item
One's family, blood relations, or lineage
A slender-jointed extremity of the hand of a human or animal
A person taking part in a sport or game
A non-professional or non-expert who believes in, dabbles, or follows a particular field or idea
A member of a predominantly agricultural tribe of southern Assam and western Burma
A person who is registered