A person who has never engaged in coitus
“Like a virgin. Touched for the very first time.”
A novice in a given field
“I'm a virgin when it comes to drug use, the hardest thing I take being Tylenol.”
One who is ineffectual at courtship or romantic relations despite their desires
One who lives unmarried
A young woman
Having never engaged in pleasures of the flesh
“It's a special pleasure to write a story about a virgin bride, especially a bride who has purposely saved herself for marriage.”
In a natural state, having never been tampered with
“Large tracts of virgin forest play a role in global ecology comparable to rain forests.”
Not processed, or only minimally processed
“Place the capsicums in a roasting tin, drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil, and season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.”
Uninhabited or cultivated
“This early landscape was not a virgin landscape in the sense of being untouched by humans, but a cultural landscape shaped by thousands of years of tribal use of fire.”
Being or involving the first attempt, act, or thing of its kind
“The theme chosen by Mr. Keshava for his virgin attempt at verse composition is doubtless an interesting one.”
In an original condition, having not previously been used or worn
“A new car in the car showroom is a virgin car, because nobody owns it yet.”
Barren or deserted
Doing something for the first time
(of farmland) Plowed and harrowed, but left for a period without being sown
Ineffectual at courtship or romantic relations despite one's desires
(of a woman) Having no husband or wife
Empty or not occupied
Not previously explored
Having a naive or unsuspecting nature
Free from vulgarity or indecency
Related Words and Phrases