A consideration for or reasoning
“I've given your arguments some thought, and there is some weight to it.”
The act of thinking
“It required some thought, but I think we have finally solved the case.”
A concept formulated in the mind
“There is a thought that the older you are, the less likely this method will be successful for you.”
The formation of solutions or ideas through attentiveness
“It was the diligent thought of one of your employees that saved the company from losing one of its most important clients.”
A dream or imagination
“I would find myself being lost in thought after immersing myself in the popular fantasy novel.”
To have concern or sympathy for others
“I thought you could spare some thought for your fellow man, but you are obviously not that kind of person.”
An ambition or hope
“Jarrad had given up every thought of pursuing a career in the music industry after a critical assessment of his singing ability.”
A contemplation of a possible scenario
“I am not enjoying the thought of having to deal with that angry customer.”
A spoken word, statement, or vocal sound
Judiciousness in the manner in which one thinks before acting or speaking
The faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively
A strategy worked out in advance to achieve a goal
The thought processes leading to accepted theories or solutions
Politeness or manners in one's attitude and behavior towards others
Effort or exertion made to do something, especially when inconvenient
A sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained
A superficial or transient feeling of liking or attraction
A subject matter or general area of interest
The faculty or activity of imagining change or innovative things or ideas
A clever or brilliant idea that arises suddenly
The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject
A person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity
To have formed a reasoning in the mind about
“It is thought that the plot involved the use of conventional explosives.”
Relating to one's mental functions or abilities
Inferred through analysis or deduction
To have had an opinion of
“I wrongly thought the new Miley Cyrus album would be very good.”
To have expected
“I thought he would be posting another update on social media, but I was wrong.”
To have ruminated or mulled over
“I have thought it over, and I have made my decision.”
(thought of/about) To have considered the possibility of
“After listening to a speech by Steve Jobs, he thought about becoming an entrepreneur.”
To have recalled from memory
“She thought fondly of all the happy times they had together.”
To have imagined a possible scenario
“I always thought we would meet again someday.”
(thought of/about) To have had a concern about
“She constantly thought about her son who was recovering from his illness.”
(rare) To have had an estimation of someone or something
“I thought you to be a selfish person, but you are even worse than I imagined!”
(rare) To have had in mind as a purpose
“I thought to apply for that job.”
Past participle forms for thought
“At the time, it was thought that all the subspecies were separated geographically.”