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What is the plural of vigor?

What's the plural form of vigor? Here's the word you're looking for.


The noun vigor can be countable or uncountable.

In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be vigor.

However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be vigors e.g. in reference to various types of vigors or a collection of vigors.

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Utilization of hybrid vigor or heterosis has been successful in cross-pollinated crops, of which maize is a primary example.
He comes to impassion people with a surge toward hope, a dream of achieving against the odds, a vigor to take command of one's fate.
Variation in foraging vigor of certain female spiders predicts the occurrence of sexual cannibalism.
Gary Vigors, 41, died minutes after a broken beer bottle was plunged into his neck in front of horrified friends and relatives.
Gary Vigors, 41, bled to death in a bar in front of his son after having his throat cut with a broken bottle.
His son, William Sharp Macleay, developed the Quinarian system of classification, supported by William Swainson and Nicolas Vigors.

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