Gulf Air is owned by Bahrain, of Oman and Qatar, as well as Abu Dhabi, the largest of seven sheikdoms making up the United Arab Emirates. |
The Pakistani Taliban also finance their activities by kidnapping and by the money they receive from wealthy 'sponsors' in the oil sheikdoms. |
A new Salafi Crescent, radiating from the Persian Gulf sheikdoms into the Levant and North Africa, is one of the most underappreciated and disturbing byproducts of the Arab revolts. |
The democratic, secular and free-market model that has become synonymous with the era of Western primacy is being challenged by state capitalism in China, Russia and the Persian Gulf sheikdoms. |
The United Arab Emirates is a confederation of seven sheikdoms, or emirates, located on the shore of the Persian Gulf. |
It is my belief that Africa should be looking to her children in the 'near' abroad, namely the Arab sheikdoms of the Gulf peninsula. |