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What is the plural of self-delusion?

What's the plural form of self-delusion? Here's the word you're looking for.


The noun self-delusion can be countable or uncountable.

In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be self-delusion.

However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be self-delusions e.g. in reference to various types of self-delusions or a collection of self-delusions.

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Enthusiasm and dedication can easily turn to self-delusion and, once scientific rigour is relaxed, error and confusion are almost inevitable.
Either way, the net effect is to tilt the playing field further and further towards self-delusion.
Take a look at his positions, and marvel at this man, who has never done anything but run for office, and his capacity for self-delusion.
The evasions, certainties and self-delusions suggest a clinical condition which would normally bring running the men in white coats.
Yet somehow he forgot all the truths of his younger days and bought into the self-delusions spawned from his megalomania.
Indeed, the character of Julien, with all his hissy fits and self-delusions, is hardly the picture-perfect beau.

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