Yellow to red-orange mimetite associated with wulfenite is well known from the San Francisco mine, Cucurpe, and good specimens have come from Cerro Prieto, Sonora. |
It may be associated with a wide variety of other minerals including cerussite, anglesite, raspite, pyromorphite, mimetite, and scheelite. |
Here colorless to yellow crusts of mimetite coat open spaces and coarse fragments in brecciated dacite. |
The result can be some of our most spectacular minerals, including azurite, malachite, smithsonite, wulfenite, pyromorphite, and mimetite. |
It has been found with mimetite, bromargyrite, aurichalcite, willemite, and murdochite. |
Yellowish pyromorphite in crystals to 1.5 cm associated with wulfenite and mimetite is reported from the Los Galemes and Santa Rosa mines, Mazapil, Zacatecas. |