Bags I the one with the maddest of the mad hair, and the most dreadful of the Granny-knitted jumpers...and the broadest West Country accent. |
Up to 30 experienced jumpers will take part but all newcomers will get the opportunity to take a tandem jump. |
Sams wears organic linen shirts and jumpers Fairley has knitted for him from organic wool. |
Terri was very skinny, and invariably wore huge, brightly coloured and loosely knitted jumpers which hung on her like camouflage netting. |
I have five sets of basketball gear, two jumpers, two joggers, three suits of school uniform and two pair of basketball shoes. |
Out of an estimated total of nine jumpers I've laboriously knitted for myself in my thirty-two years of life, only one was actually wearable. |