We still have a few fields where bobolinks stop on their way north. |
Discover the hermit thrush as you hike through shady maple and hemlock groves, or encounter bobolinks in golden hayfields and northern waterthrush in subarctic swamplands. |
Magnetic cues, which help many bird species migrate, appear to be particularly important to Bobolinks. |
Redbirds, bluebirds, robins, bobolinks, scarlet tanagers, Kentucky warblers, and orchard orioles strut and sing like the cast of a turn-of-the-century revue. |
Her merry laugh rippled out upon the summer air like the joyful music of baldheaded bobolinks. |
In breeding plumage, male bobolinks are mostly black, with a buff nape, white shoulder patches, and a white rump. |