As the doomed man, he is flimflammed by telephone operators, browbeaten by his mother, and terrified when his girl friend submits to his amorous advances.
In 1909 a clerk at a Havana hotel posed as the manager and flimflammed both stores out of more than a thousand dollars and a few gems, baiting them with a promise of a huge order.
Enough of these, you see, and those much-needed independent voters might be flimflammed into believing that the G. O. P. candidate bears no responsibility for the administration's toxically unpopular policies.
If you haven't been flimflammed into seeing this one yet, don't bother.
At my age, I have been scammed and flimflammed by the best of them, but the firm paid by Waste Management to compile the Bradley Landfill EIR is real good.
The yellow metal couldn't be bribed, flattered, seduced, or flimflammed.