Opposite of clear and obvious in meaning or nature
Opposite of not able to be disputed
Opposite of open, honest, and direct in speech or expression, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters
Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
“Did you feel in the storytelling there were any particularly glaring omissions or otherwise historically inaccurate stuff?”
Opposite of rather direct or abrupt in speech or manner
Opposite of absolute or total in degree, level or extent
Opposite of to an absolute degree
“I have absolutely zero faith that you can win this race against Rick.”
Opposite of based on fact and existing, or having existed, in reality
“Their biological warfare capability is probably more of a theoretical idea than anything else.”
Opposite of to an absolute, complete or extremely great degree
Opposite of in a continued fashion, to an utter or complete degree, without relief
Opposite of easy to understand
“It is a complicated problem that will require a bit of mulling over.”
Opposite of having unconditional and enthusiastic support
“There was some grudging applause at the final curtain, but I got the feeling it was more for the sake of form, rather than actual enjoyment.”
Opposite of plain or blunt in speech or expression
Opposite of speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, or boldly
“Aware of the potential for ridicule, or for having their sanity questioned, protesters, are naturally reticent about discussing these experiences.”
Opposite of honest, frank and forthright in nature
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