Opposite of a standard quantity or amount
Opposite of an indication of the degree of something, or the standard for which others will be compared to
Opposite of a plan or course of action taken to achieve a particular purpose
Opposite of the dimensions, amount, or extent of something
Opposite of a plan or scheme to achieve a given effect or aim
Opposite of a part or portion of an object, material or amount
Opposite of something used as the basis for calculation or for comparison
Opposite of moderation or restraint in the use or indulgence of something
Opposite of the measurement around the middle of something
Opposite of a strategy worked out in advance to achieve a goal
“I had to rely on improvisation as I was given very little to work with during my presentation.”
Opposite of a measure or action, especially one of a series taken for a given purpose or goal
Opposite of the dimensions, amount, or extent of something
Opposite of a high standard by which others are measured
Opposite of the speed with which one walks, runs, or moves
“We walked with a slowness that characterized our lethargy at the time.”
Opposite of the medium, method, or instrument used to obtain a result or achieve an end
Opposite of a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
Opposite of an individual rule as part of a system of law or religious doctrine
“Mr. Wizard was arrested for practicing wizardry, a crime worthy of certain damnation in most parts.”
Opposite of a percentage of an amount, typically of money taken as a bribe
Opposite of a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one
Opposite of a song, melody, or short musical composition
Opposite of an amount that is allocated or apportioned to an individual or group
Opposite of a significant or considerable amount
Opposite of a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion
Opposite of a throbbing or palpitating movement or rhythm
(archaic) Opposite of an ingenious or devious device or stratagem
Opposite of a quantity or sum, usually large
“People under stress often use the first solution that comes to mind or complain of a lack of solutions.”
Opposite of a small, modest or trifling amount
“Don't you two dare sneak off by yourselves to see the forbidden tree, or there will be a world of hurt for the both of you.”
Opposite of punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance
Opposite of an approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something
“A higher down payment on the larger property allows you to finance the exact amount of mortgage loan you can afford.”
Opposite of the modulation of intonation or pitch in the voice
Opposite of to evaluate or estimate the extent, amount, or size of
Opposite of to make less powerful or intense, thereby easier to control
“In an ancient era, twin girls are raised as boys to prevent their wizard father from sacrificing them to intensify his supernatural powers.”
Opposite of to regulate the speed or amount of something given or administered
“Do not rush the amount of information that you provide to the learner at any one time.”
Opposite of to regulate or keep under control
Opposite of to estimate or judge
“We buy a commodity by means of another, but in order to know the value of the former, we need to know the value of the latter.”
Opposite of to restrain or to keep in check
“Free yourself from the tyranny of emotional baggage, and you will be able to move on.”
Opposite of to draw conclusions from an examination or assessment
“The vast number of variables at play will only serve to complicate our assessment.”
Opposite of to give or allot a portion of something
(of a measuring instrument) Opposite of to indicate a specified measurement or figure
“Landmarks detected from speckle points rather than anatomical information may misregister and incorporate inaccurate pixel matches into the overall image registration.”
Opposite of to check or adjust by comparison with a standard