Opposite of fat in size, or having a full rounded shape
“Emaciated from long confinement within the narrow limits of a ship, and all the horrors attendant upon the want of water and provisions, ought to have entitled us to their commiseration.”
Opposite of considered to be highly desirable or sought-after
“His views and feelings will oftentimes be so far in advance of the people generally as to obtain for the undesirable appellation of radical or extremist.”
Opposite of having an excess of body fat
“I saw some stills of this kid in Euro this year, and he was looking extremely shredded.”
Opposite of designed to be embraced or snuggled
Opposite of having a shape or cross-section like the cross-section of a pear
(of produce) Opposite of deliciously juicy and tender from having been ripened
“It must be eaten ripe since latex and tannin present in the unripe fruit give it an unpleasantly astringent taste.”
Opposite of to drop or fall suddenly or heavily
“When they see the King approach, they immediately stand to greet him.”
Opposite of to set (something) down heavily or unceremoniously
“I gently set the expensive and beautiful art piece on the cabinet and breathe a sigh of relief.”
Opposite of to decide definitely in favor of (one of two or more possibilities)
“Many oppose the cause of temperance because they know nothing or nearly nothing of it.”
Opposite of to throw down or land clumsily or loosely
Opposite of to set or settle firmly or comfortably in a given place
“Our grumpy neighbor reminded us sternly that we were on private property and to remove ourselves off her yard.”
Opposite of in a straight or direct line or course
“This path takes us indirectly into town, but it is less dangerous.”
Opposite of a hard strike or hit
“The master was able to knock each of these men to the ground with a touch of his finger.”
Opposite of a blow with the fist
Opposite of a hard or repeated hit or strike
Opposite of a plunge headfirst into water
Opposite of a powerful stroke with a hand, weapon, or hard object
“He came on in a series of well-placed slashes, and every time she ducked aside, it was a narrow miss.”