Opposite of a minor or fine distinction or detail
Opposite of an underlying quality or feeling
Opposite of a meaning that is suggested or implied
Opposite of the general idea, intention or meaning of something
Opposite of a trace or hint of something
Opposite of a fine or subtle detail or distinction
Opposite of possession of a similar meaning through paraphrasing
“He was accused of saying some vile things but a recording proved his words to have actually been to the contrary.”
Opposite of a derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing
Opposite of a specific meaning
“Even more interestingly for consideration of this text's structure, Ames stresses the particular quality of this phrase's polysemy.”
Opposite of a small amount of something
“It wasn't just weeds, but there was also a lot of rubbish strewn all over the sidewalk.”
Opposite of the conveying of feeling in a work of art, literature or music
“Of course, what may seem like emotionlessness in Anderson's prose might be emotion stunned into silence.”
Opposite of a slight trace of something