Opposite of past tense for to give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or pleasant has happened to them
“I understand their misgivings, but I most strongly disapprove of their opposition to change.”
Opposite of past tense for to regard with respect or warm approval
“I really disapprove those with an aversion to common etiquette.”
Opposite of past tense for to publicly support
“Do you oppose fascism while keeping fascists within your circle of friends?”
Opposite of past tense for to tolerate or allow (something that is generally frowned on)
“Another tactic, which I abhor, was to use pepper, chili or anything to irritate the hounds' noses.”
(arrive at) Opposite of past tense for to reach (a conclusion or decision)
“Despite walking away from his post, he would challenge their assertion that he was a failure.”