Opposite of to waste or spend time idly and unfruitfully
Opposite of to relax and take it easy
Opposite of to live or spend a period of time in a dull, inactive, unchallenging way
Opposite of to waste or spend time idly and unfruitfully
Opposite of to relax after a period of work or tension
Opposite of to laze around, mostly doing nothing
“I really should move about a little after being sedentary for hours.”
(informal) Opposite of to relax or spend time doing nothing
“Let's do something this weekend since it's sunny.”
Opposite of to extend one's arms, legs and body out while lying down
Opposite of to relax or laze about
“I would finally find the motivation to exercise and eat healthily again after weeks of gorging on junk food.”
(informal) Opposite of to act in a lazy manner
“Prior to our holiday, we had to hustle at work every day.”
Opposite of to place or position someone or something
(stretch out) Opposite of to recline or lie down by extending one's body
“I hurry to switch off the lights in my room and coil into the fetal position on my bed.”
Opposite of a bar or similar establishment, typically one that is shabby or sleazy
Opposite of something made or used for sitting on
Opposite of an establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served