Opposite of to be symbolic of
Opposite of to represent in a physical, concrete or visible form
Opposite of to be a sign or indication of
Opposite of to signify or convey an object or idea
“The refrigerator is still full of food, which will contradict any presumption that I have to go shopping for groceries again.”
Opposite of to bring about or cause to happen
Opposite of to represent something abstract or intangible as material
Opposite of to be a symbol or embodiment of
“I have every right to antithesize your deluded sentiment about certain religions.”
Opposite of to embody in visual or physical form
“As a filmmaker, he would do well not to misrepresent the historical accuracy of his subject's life.”
(with an object) Opposite of to provide a listener or reader with information
“The weather-beaten sign is illegible and will conceal how much further you have to travel.”
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