Opposite of in a prompt manner
Opposite of immediately, with little or no delay
Opposite of without delay, or after a very short time
“The accountant is meeting with another client right now, but she'll be able to see you later this afternoon.”
Opposite of with excessive speed or urgency
Opposite of at once or straight away
“I am unable to speculate on why but I am certain I will get to it eventually.”
(archaic) Opposite of continuing in the same direction or course
“The blueprint had crooked lines all over the place as if it had been drawn by an amateur.”
Opposite of happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time
“According to the model, the Big Bang is followed by a period of slow expansion and gradual accumulation of dark energy.”
Opposite of happening or coming rapidly or immediately
Opposite of continuing in the same direction or course
“Seconds passed, and he saw the vehicle bearing down upon him, not straight on but in a swerving manner.”
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