Opposite of affected with, or causing, physical discomfort or pain
“I just wanted us to be able to point out that that hypodermic did not have a needle attached, and that it was a painless application.”
Opposite of causing distress or emotional turmoil
“The walk is taken at a leisurely pace and is a very pleasant way to spend a summer's evening.”
Opposite of requiring effort or labor
“From there, it is a straightforward, if steep, scramble on a scree-covered footpath all the way to the summit.”
Opposite of causing great pain or anguish
Opposite of causing difficulty or annoyance
Opposite of painful when touched
“After about 24 hours, gangrene had set in, and the swelling became cold and painless to the touch.”
(of a wound) Opposite of sore or painful, typically from being freshly inflicted
“On some Triceratops fossils, both on the face and on the frill, there are healed puncture wounds.”
Opposite of not to be endured
Opposite of affected with, or causing, physical discomfort or pain
Opposite of painful or sore due to an injury
“He says he is now feeling fine after recovering from a sore ankle.”
Opposite of creating a feeling of anxiety or despair
Opposite of likely to injure or damage
“It sounds so innocuous and harmless, as if it would barely cause a murmur or a ripple.”
Opposite of suffering pain or discomfort from rheumatism
Opposite of extremely difficult to endure or tolerate
“With regard to a large number of matters about which other men are decided or obstinate, he was the most easily manageable man in the world.”
Opposite of denotes an intense coldness that can feel like it is penetrating the body
“All he wants is someplace warm, where palm trees blow in balmy breezes along a gentle, rolling surf.”