Opposite of to take a brief or hurried look at someone or something
Opposite of to quickly browse or look through, especially reading material
Opposite of to emanate or shoot forth light bursts
Opposite of to direct one's gaze
“Trying to remain inconspicuous, she would avert any passersby as she walked through the city.”
Opposite of to bounce back through the air after hitting something hard
Opposite of to touch or brush lightly in passing
Opposite of to make smooth, glossy or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding
Opposite of to make or become shiny with a glossy layer or substance
Opposite of to fix one's gaze on something or someone
“We could not help but look away from the wreck that was before us.”
Opposite of to rebound or ricochet off something
Opposite of to shine in a bright but brief, sudden, or intermittent way
Opposite of to move hurriedly or as by bouncing or twitching
Opposite of a brief or hurried look
(rare) Opposite of a flash or gleam of light
Opposite of a quick, furtive or casual look
“Caroline merely tucked a curl behind her ear and withered him with a stare she had studied from Margaret Thatcher until he wilted completely.”
Opposite of studying something carefully
Opposite of an instance of striking or being struck
“That was a fortunate miss for him, having evaded the oncoming vehicle by a matter of inches.”
Opposite of a period or act of reading something
“As she got older, you could observe a drift in her writing towards more serious subjects.”
Opposite of an general act of touching someone or something
“He suspected something was amiss when he saw the recoil of her hand.”