Opposite of something which is required for a given purpose
“I’ll set aside some money each week, and every nonnecessity I buy will come out of that.”
Opposite of the state or fact of being required
“When some self-help books are released, their unnecessariness is so baffling and tree-wasting.”
Opposite of the state of being unavoidable
“I get a skin-crawling shiver about the evitability of accidents and how things change in the blink of an eye.”
Opposite of a situation enforcing a certain course of action
“Thriving is an attempt to transcend a state of existence not out of fear but out of desire and yearning.”
Opposite of the state or quality of being poor or destitute
Opposite of a necessary or essential item for a given task
“As long as the supply of methionine is adequate, cysteine is considered as a nonessential.”
Opposite of something that must be done or adhered to based on need or urgency
“Determinations that conduct was or was not willed in the appropriate sense invariably turn out to be based on judgments as to the voluntariness of the conduct.”
Opposite of a need or reason to do or be something
Opposite of a desire for something
“The contestant expressed that her primary dislike was conflict and war.”
Opposite of the condition of being incompetent
Opposite of a commercial demand that is not being met or filled
“Most fads are the result of over-exposure or a rapid saturation in the market.”