Opposite of less high in position
“You will have to take the elevator up to the higher levels.”
Opposite of less high in rank, quality or amount
“Speak to the senior officer in charge who is across everything you need to know.”
Opposite of reduced in amount or value, especially of price
“The underlying causes of increased prices are higher costs of raw material and labor.”
Opposite of located below or lower down
“Tall palm trees with overhanging branches shaded the land.”
Opposite of ranking below things in importance
“I know we tend to treat patients as they come, but this is a particularly urgent case.”
Opposite of to move something to a lower level
“Ensure you bend your knees before you lift anything heavy to prevent any injuries to your back.”
Opposite of to go to a lower level, especially abruptly
“We watched the hot air balloons rise into the warm desert air.”
Opposite of to decrease in size, amount, value, or degree
“Parents are advised to avoid becoming the sugar police, as it will simply encourage children to increase sugar intake as a statement of freedom.”
Opposite of to diminish in intensity or severity, especially gradually
“Jim was advised not to run for at least six weeks, as even light running could exacerbate his injury.”
Opposite of to behave in a way that is perceived as unworthy or debased
“Man is born as a selfish animal, but he has to learn to elevate himself to act selflessly.”
(of a sound) Opposite of to make or become less in amount, intensity, or degree
“Could you please raise the volume so that I can sing along to this tune?”
Opposite of to look angry or sullen
“Her daughter would send her photos of her grandchildren, and it would make her smile from ear to ear.”
Opposite of to have a forbidding or gloomy expression or look
“After a short period of rain, the skies would clear and the sun would manifest itself in full.”
Opposite of to harm the good reputation of a person or thing
Opposite of to become weaker or of poorer quality
“The reception appeared to progressively recover as we shifted the antenna to a different location.”
Opposite of to reduce the size, amount or degree of something
Opposite of to become, or to make, less bright, especially of a light source
“There are dome lights to illuminate the cabin for night flying and, in addition, electric side-light fixtures for reading.”
Opposite of a facial expression indicating disapproval or displeasure
“He winked at her, and she gave a smile in return.”