Opposite of used to single out a member, or members, of a specified group or class
“They've moved so far away from their identity and just have a general group of veterans who aren't all suited to the same style.”
Opposite of specific to an individual
“He wears a generic t-shirt with a catchy slogan to attract attention.”
Opposite of distinguished or unique in some way
“Computer users perform common tasks every day that can compromise the security of their computers and networks.”
Opposite of difficult to please
“Many sporting dogs are known to be indiscriminate eaters and have the habit of swallowing anything remotely resembling a legitimate food item.”
Opposite of having or including many small details or features
“Alexa, give me a summarized report on the development of my shares!”
Opposite of not easy to please or satisfy
“She decided to stick with her job because she liked her agreeable boss.”
Opposite of having, including, or paying attention to many small details or features
(inaccurate) Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
“Did you feel in the storytelling there were any particularly glaring omissions or otherwise historically inaccurate stuff?”
(falsidical) Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
Opposite of exact in correspondence or adherence to something
“For the kids, the rules can probably be adhered to in a loose manner.”
Opposite of something precise or exact
“We cannot let you through because you have provided improper documents to verify your identity.”
Opposite of fastidious or scrupulous, especially morally
Opposite of belonging or relating separately to each of two or more people or things
Opposite of characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details
“Some surface damage may result from careless disc handling or simply from bad luck.”
Opposite of exclusive to, or for, someone, something or a group
“Once payment has been accepted, you will then get unrestricted access to all the facilities at this gym.”
Opposite of specially chosen as the best or most desirable
Opposite of physically separate
“Many of the woods have identical growth rings, suggesting that the climate was only weakly seasonal, and probably warm temperate to subtropical.”
Opposite of specifically identified to the exclusion of anything else
“My five-in-one pressure cooker enables me to cook in multiple ways.”
Opposite of chief in size or importance
“The point that you are trying to get across is of trivial importance and frankly, not worth our time.”
Opposite of detailed and complicated in design and planning, involving many carefully arranged elements
“We must have all discussed at some time or another the reliability of a piece of equipment, whether a complex system such as a car or an unsophisticated device like a tin opener.”
Opposite of characteristic of a particular person or thing
“That is an atypical location to find this breed of snake, as it usually thrives in warmer conditions.”
Opposite of unique, such that it cannot be mistaken for something else
Opposite of necessary or intended
“Everything seems to fit together perfectly, and one doesn't catch any extra or superfluous notes.”
Opposite of a small individual part of something larger
“His sentence isn't necessarily a precedent for the generality of other cases of corruption.”
Opposite of a fine or subtle detail or distinction
Opposite of an individual fact or item
“My intention is to encourage the reader to focus on the entirety of the text and to open up the reader's reflection on the dialogue.”
(usually used in plural form "specifics") Opposite of a distinguishing piece of information
“At this stage, I can only provide a statement of generality for this case.”
Opposite of a particular aspect or feature of something
Opposite of an element or circumstance contributing to a result
“Together, each constituent contributes to the whole in its entirety.”
Opposite of a less significant item or fact
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