Opposite of with various parts or aspects harmoniously or systematically linked or coordinated
“The principal aim is to fully utilize each resource of the platform and overlap the independent parts of the applications.”
(of an institution, body, etc.) Opposite of open to all cultures, nationalities and backgrounds
“The brothers were amazingly talented and successful, but only within the limits prescribed by their segregated society.”
Opposite of the state of having been combined from two or more entities into one specific entity
Opposite of derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations
Opposite of denoting or characterized by a harmonious relationship between the elements of a whole
“The spaghetti western mood was slightly dampened by an incongruous collection of artesania stalls in the square.”
Opposite of fitted or integrated into something
Opposite of complete and uncut, not having had any parts removed
Opposite of involving a full or complete view or approach
“The atomistic approach is advantageous particularly when solving the whole modeling problem would be too time-consuming.”
Opposite of having all the parts that are necessary to be complete
Opposite of coming together to form a single unit
“The Marine Corps drills into its troops the idea that a fractured and divided group of soldiers is a liability.”
Opposite of complete and uncut, not having had any parts removed
Opposite of naturally as part or consequence of something
“He castigates prize judges for giving the top awards to books for reasons extrinsic to literature.”
Opposite of used by or involving multiple entities
“The masterpiece was the result of an impressive individual effort by a very talented artist.”
Opposite of between or among two or more different races
Opposite of past tense for to mix or blend together, typically into a single mass or unit
“The first step will be to separate the egg whites from their yolks.”
(integrate into) Opposite of past tense for to join or take part in (a social group)
“The new staff members have chosen to mostly segregate themselves away from the rest of the department.”
Opposite of past tense for to fully understand something
“I would misunderstand everything that I was being taught in class because I was mentally fatigued.”
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