Opposite of happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time
“According to the model, the Big Bang is followed by a period of slow expansion and gradual accumulation of dark energy.”
Opposite of happening or coming rapidly or immediately
Opposite of happening or done quickly and promptly
“The input is to be treated as a delayed reply to an earlier question.”
Opposite of completed or done with efficiency and speed
“I deserve an overdue apology and demand to know what transpired 5 years ago!”
Opposite of brief or short in duration
Opposite of occurring or transpiring at the same moment
Opposite of occurring or done quickly and unexpectedly or without warning
“Any changes of destination are notified ahead by telephone or radio so that arrival is anticipated.”
(law) Opposite of performed speedily and without formal ceremony
“Dismantling such structures has proved difficult, and the process of economic reform has often been tentative, dilatory, and slow.”
Opposite of done or arranged in haste, usually in response to a critical situation
“Surprisingly, Mr. Marchant said it was not uncommon for jewelers to transport precious stones in this seemingly casual way.”
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