Opposite of severe suffering, difficulty or privation
“My fortune enabled me to live my life in comfort and luxury, but it also gave me too much time.”
Opposite of a setback, or change for the worse
“At first, he had success against troops taken by surprise, but soon afterward, this fine and brilliant army was beaten near Ancona and were never able to rally again.”
Opposite of the state or quality of being harsh or difficult to endure
(count noun) Opposite of a feeling of worry or anxiety
“Despite the results not falling her way, there was a sense of carefreeness about her, and she was convinced that everything would still be ok.”
Opposite of a significantly difficult task or experience
“Life was a luxury for him now that he had finally made a success of himself.”
Opposite of an event or circumstance that causes sorrow
“It was pure luck that she managed to escape serious injury after the catastrophic accident.”
Opposite of a sense of stressful urgency caused by having too many demands on one's time or resources
“That would be Batman's voice on the comms as he works to bring a bit of calm to the group.”
Opposite of harsh and demanding conditions
Opposite of violent or forcible action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will
Opposite of an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness
“Banknotes have a natural advantage over coins in that they are lighter to carry but are also less durable.”
(count noun) Opposite of something which prevents a being from experiencing happiness or good in their lives, or inflicting harm
“There is still so much good in this world that is worth fighting for.”
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