Opposite of guided by practical experience and observation rather than by theory
Opposite of stubborn or obstinate in manner or nature
Opposite of continuing in the face of difficulties or opposition
“After numerous failures, Ray became weak-willed and gave up hope of ever finding success.”
Opposite of determined or passionate in one's beliefs, interests or endeavors
“Julia had set many goals for herself but appeared indifferent when it came to achieving them.”
Opposite of refusing to change one's position, attitude or opinion
“Ian was very giving in sharing his toys with his best friend, Sarah.”
Opposite of not given to or confused by uncertainty or subtlety
“It gave him perseverance, a quality sorely needed when he chose the uncertain life of an artist.”
Opposite of concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice
“In the end, we accepted the ruling after feeling that it would be injudicious to challenge it.”