Opposite of to become better
“Your health will worsen if you maintain your diet without any exercise.”
Opposite of to elevate or extend in an upward direction or motion
Opposite of to derive benefit from
“Startups will almost inevitably suffer financially for the first few years before significant gains may be realized.”
Opposite of to grow larger or more numerous
Opposite of to get better
“My purchasing power would worsen substantially after I was laid off.”
Opposite of to be superior against one's peers
“The other swimmers could not keep up with Phelps and would fall behind quickly.”
Opposite of to form a unified whole
Opposite of to be consistent or in agreement with
Opposite of to reach or bring to a climax, or a very satisfying end
The progressive aspect of a learned skill
“John's development in his public speaking skills were clearly fast tracked by his involvement in the school's debating team.”
An increase in amount or price
“Citizens were enraged at the advance in the nation's carbon tax and took to the streets in protest.”