Opposite of being deep in thought, or characterized by thoughtfulness
Opposite of examining one's own perceptions and sensory experiences
Opposite of absorbed in thought
“Superficial thinkers see little and blame, while deep thinkers see much and commend.”
Opposite of contemplative or thoughtful, especially in an introspective manner
Opposite of having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
“It may be unwise to invest in the stock market while prices continue to drop.”
Opposite of thoughtful or reflective in one's approach
“We mostly talked about inane things, and I got the impression that he was a very superficial individual.”
Opposite of reflective, contemplative or thoughtful, typically of the past
Opposite of having, or suggestive of, an austere or ascetic lifestyle
Opposite of absorbed in thought
“Truman, on the other hand, though certainly intelligent, often appeared unreflective and impulsive.”
Opposite of a woman in a religious order
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