Opposite of the quality or condition of being important
Opposite of the property of being serviceable, of being useful for some function
Opposite of careful consideration or deliberation of the facts or reasons
Opposite of a feeling of high regard or approval
Opposite of high renown or honor attained through notable achievements
Opposite of a comprehensive explanation or description of an idea or topic
Opposite of a sum of money that is owed or due
Opposite of the act of telling a narrative or providing commentary
Opposite of a story or account that is told or narrated
Opposite of a fictitious or true narrative or story, especially one that is imaginatively recounted
Opposite of an official report, especially on state or military affairs
“The Emperor visited the camp at Chalons and presented a speech addressed to the soldiers who took part in the Italian campaign of 1859.”
Opposite of the state or condition of being useful
Opposite of an explanation of, or the act of explaining, something
Opposite of a depiction of someone or something in a work of art or literature
Opposite of a common fund into which all contributors pay and from which financial backing is provided
Opposite of a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
Opposite of an explanation for an occurrence
“And yet, within this enormity, hidden on every page is a small boy who opens his eyes to witness the inexplicability of human sorrow.”
Opposite of a short work of fiction
Opposite of a consideration for or reasoning
“Josh treated the scrutiny with indifference and had no time to indulge in a war of words with the media.”
Opposite of a performance or interpretation, such as of a dramatic role or piece of music
Opposite of a bill for goods and services supplied
“I don't need a receipt for the donut. I'll just give you the money, and you give me the donut! End of transaction!”
Opposite of information, typically having military, political or commercial value
“Where did we get this misinformation relating to the whereabouts of our targets?”
Opposite of a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event
“The saving of animals in distress was the consequence of her activism.”
Opposite of a complete list or catalog of items
Opposite of a printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services
Opposite of an item written or printed in a diary, list, account book, or reference book
“I particularly regret the enforced omission of reference to the relation of liberalism to international affairs.”
Opposite of an official report or statement submitted in response to a formal demand
“If you lodge a request for your medical records, you should be provided with that information within seven days.”
Opposite of a general description or plan showing the essential features of something but without the detail
Opposite of a person staying at a hotel or guest house
Opposite of careful consideration or deliberation of the facts or reasons
“Decentralizing measures introduced to satisfy local demands may lead to macroeconomic instability if fiscal imprudence by subnational entities is not vigorously disciplined.”
Opposite of a film or broadcast about the life or a real person
Opposite of the basis or justification for something
Opposite of the inherent value in something or someone
“The lead character struggles desperately to find a way to circumvent the terrible meaninglessness of his existence.”
Opposite of something which is owed such as a debt or bill
Opposite of the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject
“Some students who have not yet been accepted to college have a gap year specifically to build their resumes.”
Opposite of a sum of money that has been saved or accumulated
“Although emotional and non-material factors are important, many significant contributors to a child’s happiness require financial expenditure.”
Opposite of a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory
Opposite of a relation to something specified
“Given the unrelatedness to the theory of certain tacked-on variables, one must question whether these experiments search for a social psychological formulation.”
Opposite of the use which can be made of a machine
“The uselessness of feigning a Southern accent while addressing members of our community cannot be understated.”
Opposite of information that is available only to a select few
“This being a small town, the community is awash with rumor, secrets, and hearsay often tinged with a touch of mysticism.”
Opposite of a clarification or explanation
(with object and complement) Opposite of to attribute a quality to someone or something
“I absolutely reject the idea that he is innocent of the crimes he is purported to have committed.”
Opposite of to regard or consider in a specified way
Opposite of to consider
“I disregard any rigid or mechanical rule in policy-making.”