Opposite of to strike physically or violently
“Aaron moves first, throwing a flurry of punches that I easily defend.”
Opposite of to defeat, or be better than, someone or something
“Many people openly questioned how a heavily favored team could lose to the underdog.”
Opposite of to form, shape or forge with a hammer
“The Faerie Queen told us that the only way to end the curse would be to break the sword.”
Opposite of to beat or throb in a rhythmic manner
“Halfway into the file, the metronome would stop, and they would go at the same frequency on their own.”
Opposite of to stir or whisk vigorously
“Put a coverslip over the top and leave the gelatin to set.”
(usually "beats") Opposite of to confound or perplex someone
“I did to show him that I was in earnest and because he would enlighten me on many subjects.”
(of a bird) Opposite of to fly making rhythmic wing movements
“Once it finds the wing of the storm, the eagle will rest its own wings and use the pressure of the rampant storm to soar and glide in the clouds.”
Opposite of to avoid or circumvent (a rule, obstacle or problem)
“The physician shall observe the laws of the country in regulating the practice of medicine and shall also not assist others to evade such laws.”
Opposite of to frustrate or prevent (someone) from achieving an aim
“He'll try to trick us into doing something that will actually help his army when it comes.”
Opposite of to shine with a bright, harsh light
“Occasionally, a billowy, white cloud would appear out of nowhere in the cobalt blue sky above and shade the group from the bright rays of the springtime sun.”
Opposite of to strike or hit heavily, and sometimes repeatedly
Opposite of to strike, especially repeatedly with hard blows
Opposite of to defeat heavily in a contest
Opposite of to strike or hit repeatedly
Opposite of to hit or strike repeatedly
Opposite of to cheat, deceive or defraud someone for personal gain
Opposite of to cause bewilderment or astonishment in someone
Opposite of to expand and contract rhythmically
Opposite of to physically punish, especially by beating
Opposite of to strike, especially with force
“Jobe was terrible at shooting games because he would completely miss most of his targets.”
Opposite of to evade or circumvent by cleverness or trickery
Opposite of a hard strike or hit
“It is a big miss and a lost opportunity to land the knockout blow.”
Opposite of a pulse or throb
“His grief had almost devoured his strength, had crushed all his habits and hobbies, and left a stillness in his heart.”
Opposite of a very short period of time
“To Scott, it seemed like Mary took forever to make up her mind.”
Opposite of a blow with the fist
Opposite of a hard or repeated hit or strike
Opposite of the speed with which one walks, runs, or moves
“We walked with a slowness that characterized our lethargy at the time.”
(unwearied) Opposite of feeling tired, fatigued or weary
“He watched as she closed her mouth, an inquisitive look upon her mature, yet unwearied face.”
(unwearied) Opposite of feeling tired, fatigued or weary
Opposite of feeling very tired or fatigued