(research gap) Opposite of a systematic study to establish facts and reach new conclusions
“The research gap in the subject matter needs to be addressed by way of empirical studies.”
(answer) Opposite of a systematic study to establish facts and reach new conclusions
Opposite of a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something
Opposite of a formal investigation often held before a jury
Opposite of critical observation or examination
Opposite of the procedure by which scientific investigation is undertaken
Opposite of the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject
“Some students who have not yet been accepted to college have a gap year specifically to build their resumes.”
Opposite of a long essay or dissertation involving personal research
Opposite of an examination to test or ascertain the quality or accuracy of something
Opposite of the act of conducting an investigation or examination to gather data or information
(ignore) Opposite of to investigate systematically
“Community leaders urged residents to ignore urban myths rather than delve too far into them.”
(accept) Opposite of to investigate systematically
“It is important to not so easily accept unsubstantiated claims.”
Opposite of to make an extensive study into
“He would dismiss the subject entirely if it failed to pique his interest.”
Opposite of to examine something with great care
Opposite of to delve or make inquiries into
Opposite of to examine or analyze a collection of things or information
Opposite of to study or do research
“This program will teach you how to maximize your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses.”
Opposite of to investigate or delve into
“In light of the results of the local gendarmes' investigation, on Tuesday the public prosecutor decided to close the case.”
Opposite of to examine critically and minutely
(British) Opposite of to study (an academic subject) at a university
“I poured my heart and soul into this subject because I did not want to fail it.”