Opposite of a group of people descended from a common ancestor
Opposite of one's family or ethnic descent
Opposite of one's family, blood relations, or lineage
Opposite of a group of persons associated with a nation, class, or ethnic group
“The Balinese rarely drink large amounts of alcohol and so foreigners were easily the prime consumers.”
Opposite of an event in which people compete, typically for amusement and for a prize
Opposite of great haste in movement or progress
Opposite of an organized competition or activity usually performed for the enjoyment of a mass of people
“Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic engaged in some funny banter during an exhibition that was organized on the eve of The Australian Open.”
Opposite of a class, group, or kind sharing certain characteristics or qualities
Opposite of a class or category of animals, plants, people or things
Opposite of an act or spell of running
“Graham was feeling rather full and bloated and decided to have a bit of a walk around the local park.”
Opposite of a hollow bed for a natural or artificial waterway
Opposite of a situation of hurried and confused movement
Opposite of a contest held to establish someone's, or something's, superiority or supremacy
“A sextet of artists come together in this unique collaboration, which is documented in a limited-edition book.”
Opposite of a particular type of something in the same general category
“The role was a departure from his romantic comedy repertoire.”
Opposite of a rush or hurry towards a destination or goal
“A breakfast line was forming, but there was order in the queue, though none of the military sort.”
Opposite of a rush forward, literally or figuratively
“Undoubtedly, one of the quirkiest sights in nature is the gangly retreat of an Australian frilled lizard.”
Opposite of a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport
“The mystery room is a complicated puzzle that requires collaborative work to solve.”
Opposite of to move or progress swiftly or at full speed
(informal) Opposite of to move or depart hastily
“Do you mind if we stay here a little longer?”
Opposite of to move at a fast speed on foot
“She watched in gentle adoration, her two-year-old daughter walk slowly toward her.”
Opposite of to engage in a competition or contest
Opposite of to compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something
Opposite of to move or pass very quickly
Opposite of to beat or throb in a rhythmic manner
Opposite of to rush forward, especially suddenly and with speed
“Considering the dangers, I slowly retreat out of the dark cavern and look for another spot to settle for the night.”