Opposite of a refined understanding or appreciation of culture
“There is a degree of philistinism in regarding books as only having worth if they are old and valuable.”
Opposite of civility, politeness, courtesy or gallantry
Opposite of education received at school
Opposite of the quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning
Opposite of behavior that is both morally and socially correct
Opposite of the ability to discern what is of good quality or of a high aesthetic standard
Opposite of the way in which a person lives
“I had to make a split with my old way of life as it was proving to be detrimental to my life.”
Opposite of a body of traditions or beliefs held through generations by a particular group
Opposite of the quality of being sophisticated
Opposite of the surface appearance of a manufactured material or object, or the material used to produce this
“There was a superficial scratch on the brushed metal finish but the interior was still intact.”
Opposite of a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another
“Any deviation from the dogmatic vision would inevitably result in major changes to religious practices.”
Opposite of subtle appreciation in matters of taste
“When Homer presented the prototype of his dream car to the masses, it was met with shock and disapproval.”
Opposite of to break up (soil) in preparation for sowing or planting
Opposite of to grow or cultivate (plants)
“If you can bring yourself to do it, remove flowers in the first few years to divert energy into shoot growth rather than fruits.”