Opposite of a place state of eternal punishment and damnation for those considered wicked or sinful
“This must be just like living in paradise, and I don't want to go home.”
Opposite of a situation, experience, or place of great suffering
“Years of bottled up emotions spilled out in one brief moment of perfect bliss.”
Opposite of a state of complete disorder
“Her old desk stood under the window in a state of perfect order, complete with an anglepoise lamp.”
Opposite of an unstable time or period, usually marked by intense difficulty or danger
“The government promotes economic stability through monetary and fiscal policies.”
Opposite of the state of being chaotic
“Ten minutes had elapsed, and surprisingly, there was order in the court.”
Opposite of a period of turmoil in real life
“To celebrate the peace in my life finally, I decided to go for a ride in the country on my bike.”
Related Words and Phrases