“Wearing a stylish vest and a pressed Oxford shirt with the sleeves rolled up, she only needed a cigar to look like an old-timey politician sealing a backroom deal.”
“Angelique looks at her laptop, where the embedded media player has finished buffering and now shows David Dale pacing a cramped room in a sleeveless vest and jogging bottoms.”
(law) The entitlement of an employee to receive the full benefit of a pension at normal retirement age or a reduced pension upon early retirement even upon change of employer before retirement.
(law) The entitlement of an employee to exercise a stock option after a predetermined period of time.
(zoology) Any of several species of actinian of the genus Cerianthus, with a long, smooth, tapering body and two separate circles of tentacles around the mouth.
A dressing room or storeroom for clothes, especially in a church or other religious house.