“After their successful collaboration on the project, they formed a threeness - a trio that would forever be known for their exceptional teamwork and creativity.”
“There is such a thing as threeness, or fourness, and the threeness of three cannot be added to the fourness of four.”
“The boastful vibe of a woman strutting her stuff on the catwalk and feeling fine was, in fact, inspired by the musical threesome of Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake, and Timbaland on their song 'Give It To Me'.”
“Tell her you didn't really mean it about wanting to have a threesome with her best friend.”
“The dancers are succeeded by a second threesome and then a third, all perpetuating the atmosphere of remoteness and nonengagement.”
“In such an argument there would always be matter for answers, rejoinders, replications, triplications, quadruplications, and that infinite web of disputes.”
“In 2004, it set up a Joint Requirements Council in an effort to eliminate duplication, and sometimes, triplications of efforts within the department.”
“Triplications in pay, recruiting, public relations and intelligence services added to costs at the expense of efficiency.”
“One set of triplicates was autoclaved twice, with a 24-hour room temperature incubation between autoclavings, and used as sterile controls for the mineralization assay.”