A geographic area under control of a single governing entity such as state or municipality; an area whose borders are determined by the scope of political power rather than solely by natural features such as rivers and ridges.
(ecology) An area that an animal of a particular species consistently defends against its conspecifics.
(game) The part of the playing field or board over which a player or team has control.
A geographic area that a person or organization is responsible for in the course of work.
A location or logical space which someone owns or controls.
A market segment or scope of professional practice over which an organization or type of practitioner has exclusive rights.
An area of subject matter, knowledge, or experience.
“He touches on the territorialism that occurs when the local's secret gets out and a treasure is discovered by the outside world.”
“The movements of the first kind are represented by Political Zionism and territorialism.”
“Academic territorialism plays a part in this tabooing, but the basis of it seems to be a need to believe in the unquestionability of human uniqueness, human supremacy.”
“Follow-up indicators more specifically for the territorialization of policies and rural development actions, as well as local governance.”
“A useful way into it is to follow the concepts of coding, stratification and territorialization.”
“The study should examine in particular the economic and cultural impact of the territorialization requirements imposed by Member States, in particular taking into account their impact on co-productions.”
“Politicians proposed popular sovereignty as a means of entrusting the issue to citizens of new territories.”
“A city-state is a sovereign state, also described as a type of small independent country, that usually consists of a single city and its dependent territories.”
“The birds are busy establishing territories and building nests.”