“No longer need she be forced to fight her sexuality, fear it, or feel anxiety about it or guilt. She could now utilize it, revel in it, express it, joyfully, to her heart's content.”
“It's also a film filled with much sexuality and a good deal of homoeroticism.”
“Rather, such a film would have to happily violate conventions of generic sexuality by explicitly eroticizing alternative sexualities for a non-alternative, unsuspecting, uncurious, and unsympathetic audience.”
The belief that people of one sex or gender are inherently superior to people of the other sex or gender.
Different treatment or discrimination based on a difference of sex or gender.
Disadvantage or unequal opportunity arising from the cultural dominance of one gender over the other.
Promotion or expectation or assumption of people to behave in accordance with or deviate from a genderrole.
“But if we base our thinking in the more exotic possibility of a feminist sexualizer, these two aspects of harassment no longer fit so neatly together.”
“A previous study suggested that male and female sexuals of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile may use genetic cues to avoid inbreeding.”
“Queenless colonies generally rear male and female sexuals which typically mate in the nest.”
“Inquiline queens must gain access to the host colony, coexist with its queen and workers, and then lay eggs that are reared as sexuals by the host workers.”