“The study of richness and wealth is a relatively new field of research, and it is apparent that much of the dynamic processes of wealth creation and asset accumulation lie hidden from view.”
“There is, in this city, a richness of greenery even in winter.”
“The richness of the fabric and the preponderance of gold thread make them fit for the Queen of Heaven.”
“He had turned over his crown and joyfully dedicated his personal riches to the building of the temple.”
“For ancient Indian storytellers, the sea promised risk, temptation, and untold riches at the end of the crossing.”
“It was a land abounding in riches and possessing a river of such marvelous virtue that a bath in its healing waters restored the decrepit to bloom and vigor.”
“Free nature in her inexhaustible richdom of forms can never be fettered into the narrow bounds, which we may assign to any of our technic definitions.”