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What is the noun for original?

What's the noun for original? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. The beginning of something.
  2. The source of a river, information, goods, etc.
  3. (mathematics) The point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect.
  4. (anatomy) The proximal end of attachment of a muscle to a bone that will not be moved by the action of that muscle.
  5. (cartography) An arbitrary point on Earth's surface, chosen as the zero for a system of coordinates.
  6. (plural) Ancestry.
  7. Synonyms:
  8. Examples:
    1. “He embarked on a personal journey to discover the origin of life.”
      “These fossils, found in California, dated back 22.5 million years ago and are recognized as the origin for the recognized Otariidae family, or eared seals.”
      “Mariah's origin is a melange of African, Irish, and South American.”
  1. (uncountable) The quality of being original or novel.
  2. (uncountable) The capacity to think independently or be inventive.
  3. (countable) Something original.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “The originality and uniqueness of the play mean that that the actors seem to enjoy being in it which all adds up to a thoroughly amusing performance.”
      “As carvers and decorators, they were unrivaled in the Oceanic world and displayed great originality in the design and execution of their rock paintings.”
      “Every one of those holy-rolling Jesus freaks managed to zing me with both originality and considerable aplomb.”
  1. An object or other creation (e.g. narrative work) from which all later copies and variations are derived.
  2. A person with a unique and interesting personality and/or creative talent.
  3. (archaic) An eccentric.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “I do believe this is the original of which I was shown a photocopy sometime last year.”
      “Jonathan Richman is a songwriter without compare, a true original in a sea of troubadour imitators.”
  1. One who has, or tends to have, original ideas.
  2. One who aims to discover how the writers of a document intended it to be interpreted, and to interpret it in that way.
    1. (theology) Specifically, one who aims to discover how the writers of the Jewish and Christian scriptures intended them to be interpreted, and to interpret them in that way.
    2. (US) Specifically, one who aims to discover how the writers of the United States Constitution intended it to be interpreted, and to interpret it in that way.
  3. Examples:
    1. “An originalist Court could even overturn some of those victories as unanchored in the Constitution.”
      “Why have conservative jurists become so willing to deviate from an originalist viewpoint on the Second Amendment?”
      “I consider myself to be both an originalist and a textualist.”
  1. (uncountable) The process of bringing something into existence.
  2. (countable) The act of bringing something into existence.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “The Yule process can be seen as modeling origination of evolutionary lineages due to speciation.”
      “Dependent origination is not a theory of causation with respect to bringing about a pluralistically real world.”
      “The period of high extinction risk was followed immediately by a short period of very high origination probability.”
  1. The view that a text should be interpreted according to the intent of its original authors.
  2. Examples:
    1. “Whether Gore, cynically, committed himself to originalism to make some political hay is quite besides the point.”
      “Still, originalism is the only jurisprudence fully compatible with our form of government.”
      “Liberals wouldn't even claim to support supply-side economics, originalism, or small government.”
  1. Someone who originates, creates or founds something.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “If Edison was the originator of the fiction film, they were the fathers of documentary.”
      “Before Piet Mondrian became an originator of De Stijl, he painted windmills, cows, and meadows.”
      “Sometimes it's best if the originator of the piece butts out and lets the professionals take over.”
  1. The state or condition of being original.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “I appreciate the originalness of her artwork, as it truly captures her unique perspective and creativity.”
  1. plural of originalist
  2. Examples:
    1. “There are some subtle disagreements among us on some of the particulars, naturally, just as there are among conservative originalists.”
      “Even thoroughgoing originalists and textualists generally believe that Constitutional terms should be read in ways that account of technological developments.”
      “For example, the Court's originalists consider the rights the Fourth Amendment protects to be preconstitutional.”
  1. plural of origination
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The pathways along the branches reflect the precise history of cell originations.”
      “The steep decline in mortgage originations reflected neither weakness in the housing market nor slackening demand from the secondary market.”
      “Integrating the ComplianceEase products into our loan originations systems and ePASS technology will provide a unique offering to the market.”
  1. plural of originator
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The originators of these information products are solely responsible for their content.”
      “It's called copyleft, not copyright, and presumably the originators of this concept thought it was a great way to promote freedom of information.”
      “Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians and Babylonians have also been hailed as the originators of palm-reading.”
  1. plural of original
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The venues will be reconstructions of the historic originals, which will also be used for film presentations at the same time.”
      “Kudelka's experiments in remounting the Petipa classics have benefited from the coherence implicit in the Petipa originals.”
      “He began reproducing some pieces, adhering as closely as possible to the vivid colors of the originals.”
  1. plural of origin
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Being a dyed in the wool researcher, he uncovers many facts not generally known in his quest for the origins of present-day English.”
      “Their origins lay among the huntsmen and foresters who had long used horns, either animal or metal, as a way of communicating in wooded areas.”
      “A word with Ancient Greek origins, psithurism is defined as the rustling whispers of the trees on a windy, autumn day.”
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