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What is the noun for nullifyingly?

What's the noun for nullifyingly? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. A non-existent or empty value or set of values.
  2. Zero quantity of expressions; nothing.
  3. Something that has no force or meaning.
  4. (computing) the ASCII or Unicode character (␀), represented by a zero value, that indicates no character and is sometimes used as a string terminator.
  5. (computing) the attribute of an entity that has no valid value.
  6. One of the beads in nulled work.
  7. (statistics) null hypothesis
  8. Synonyms:
  1. The act of nullifying; a rendering void and of no effect, or of no legal effect.
  2. removal
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “Jury nullification is not lawless because it is simply is not prohibited by law.”
      “The 1832 nullification crisis grew out of the resistance of southern states to the Tariff of Abominations.”
      “And then, when we saw the recent controversy, it wasn't jury nullification or even cumulative voting that got him in trouble.”
  1. (computing) A variable, etc. that is allowed to have a null value.
  1. The quality of being null or empty.
  1. One who, or that which, nullifies.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “As a result, Wee1 may be more than a G2 checkpoint nullifier, since it also affects cell adhesion molecules.”
      “Orchestrating these advantages is no small task as the idol must be played before votes are read, and the idol nullifier must be played before any idols have been played.”
      “Meanwhile, Senate Republicans have kept busy playing nullifier, filibustering everything from jobs bills to low-level judicial appointments.”
  1. (politics) One who believes that individual states of the United States should be able to exempt themselves selectively from federal laws.
  1. plural of nullifier
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Disillusioned nullifiers began to envision an independent southern nation taking shape, united in the defense of slavery.”
      “The sound nullifiers will cut out noise pollution from printers, passing traffic or chatting colleagues.”
      “The Madison administration, in a manner comparable to Jackson's handling of the Nullifiers, sought, instead, to isolate the disunionists politically and militarily.”
  1. plural of nullable
  1. plural of nulling
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