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What is the noun for nativist?

What's the noun for nativist? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. (now dated) Someone's birth; the place, time and circumstances of a birth. [from 14th c.]
  2. (astrology) Someone's birth considered as a means of astrology; a horoscope associated with a person's birth. [from 14th c.]
  3. (also with capital initial) The birth of Jesus. [from 14th c.]
  4. (Christianity, also with capital initial) The festival celebrating the birth of Jesus, Christmas Day; the festival celebrating the birth of the Virgin Mary or the birth of Saint John the Baptist. [from 12th c.]
  5. (also with capital initial) A set of figurines used to create a nativity scene.
  6. (figuratively) Origin; founding.
  7. Place of origin; place to which a species is native.
  8. The quality of being native or innate.
  9. Synonyms:
  10. Examples:
    1. “After a long and exhausting labor, Mary experienced the nativity of her first child, a healthy baby boy.”
      “Thus, once again, a moment of rebirth occurs, a new shining nativity of a new soul, not as a physical entity vulnerable to decomposition, but a living memory to the immortal and indestructible nation.”
      “In view of the manner of his death it is curious to note that his nativity has no planets in water signs.”
  1. (chiefly US) A policy of favoring native-born inhabitants over immigrants.
  2. The policy of perpetuating the culture of the natives of a colonised country.
  3. (philosophy) The doctrine that some skills or abilities are innate and not learned.
  4. (linguistics) A theory that some knowledge of grammar is innate.
  5. Synonyms:
  6. Examples:
    1. “In recent years, there has been a resurgence of nativism in certain countries, fueled by political leaders who advocate for exclusionary policies and view foreigners with hostility.”
      “He initiates the central skirmish of this book by tracing a dividing line between Chomsky's nativism and the so-called New Synthesis Psychology.”
      “But one can make a distinction between nativism, which is based on resentment, and patriotism, which is based on love.”
  1. A person who is native to a place; a person who was born in a place.
  2. (in particular) A person of aboriginal stock, as distinguished from a person who was or whose ancestors were foreigners or settlers/colonizers. Alternative letter-case form of Native (aboriginal inhabitant of the Americas or Australia).
  3. A native speaker.
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “The voyagers enlisted the help of a native to translate for them.”
      “A native of New York, Biz Markie first came to prominence in the early '80s, when he began rapping at Manhattan nightclubs.”
  1. (linguistics) The process whereby a language acquires native speakers.
  2. Examples:
    1. “The idea of loanword adaptation or nativization at the phonological level is governed by syllable well-formedness in the recipient language.”
      “Batibo notes that this is by far the most common method of consonant cluster nativization in Kiswahili.”
  1. A cultivar of a native plant species.
  1. Alternative spelling of nativization
  2. Examples:
    1. “Generally, how a word sounds or what it means are the important issues in grammatical nativisation.”
      “The aim of this section is to situate our experimental results in nativisation in order to define the status of English in present-day Malaysia.”
      “A long interaction of English and the indigenous languages has led to the nativisation or indigenisation of English in Nigeria.”
  1. The state or condition of being native.
  1. An advocate of nativism.
  2. Examples:
    1. “With mass immigration halted, the nativist panic of the early 20th Century eased.”
      “Now we have a Liberal caucus member giving voice to nativist sentiments, pitting immigrants against Canadians, in our economy.”
      “Thinking Conservative sceptics are not adopting the careless nativist nationalism of the ultra Europhobes and Ukip.”
  1. plural of nativeness
  1. plural of nativist
  2. Examples:
    1. “Abolitionists, free-Boilers, temperance advocates, and nativists were organized interests of that era.”
      “It's not just disenchanted Euro nationalists and nativists who are turning their attention to the American melting pot.”
      “We see echoes of this perspective in the writings of Noam Chomsky and Jerry Fodor, self-identified nativists.”
  1. plural of nativity
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “My presents had been wrapped in tissue paper or cheap linen, with small hollies or nativities on them.”
      “In nativities, this eclipse promises fame, prosperity, health and peace of mind.”
      “Living scenes remained popular, but static nativities also developed, allowing the scene to remain on display for longer periods for meditation.”
  1. plural of nativar
  1. plural of native
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The corms of these African natives, which the Dutch sometimes call Abyssinian gladioli, should be planted after the last threat of frost is gone.”
      “They subsequently became known to sealers and traders in sandalwood, who, however, established no friendly relations with the natives.”
      “Handley said aboriginal health is not just a federal matter because a large and growing proportion of natives live off-reserve.”
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