(cryptography) With regards to data encryption, ensuring that information is not altered by unauthorized persons in a way that is not detectable by authorized users.
(aviation) The ability of a system to provide timelywarnings to users when they should not be used for navigation.
(society) The process of fitting into a community, notably applied to 'visible' (ethnic, immigrant...) minorities
(calculus) The operation of finding the integral of a function.
(biology) In evolution, the process by which the manifold is compacted into the relatively simple and permanent; supposed to alternate with differentiation as an agent in species' development.
The combination with compatible elements in order to incorporate them.
“A second example of an integrator under attack is the idea of the human self.”
“Plant growth and development is entrained by the seasonal cycle, and so the seasons act as a natural integrator.”
“Recent court cases continue to address the issue of integrator liability for violations of environmental laws.”
(mathematics) A number, the limit of the sums computed in a process in which the domain of a function is divided into small subsets and a possibly nominal value of the function on each subset is multiplied by the measure of that subset, all these products then being summed.
“He gave the conditions of a function to have an integral, what we now call the condition of Riemann integrability.”
“The guiding strategic principles are sustained defence capability, integrability, operational partnership, and modernisation and restructuring of the armed forces.”
“Among the topics are money and markets, set theory, expected values, continuity and integrability, Martingales, and stochastic integration.”
“As an ardent integrationist, she tirelessly worked towards creating a harmonious society where individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, could coexist and thrive.”
“That Douglas was an integrationist and egalitarian in his thinking seems clear from his own statements and actions.”
“Unlike the model for separatists, gender has no effect on the probability that one is an integrationist.”
“It involves a whole way of living in which meditation, life, and activity are meant to blend into one harmonious integrality.”
“The various insects and the water droplet underscore the interdependance and the integrality aspects of Life.”
“On the contrary, Sylvia Chen rejects her own perceptions as fragmented and objectified and instead discovers the integrality of the landscape to her self.”